FCPX export for Pro Tools

Posted by LauraJ 
FCPX export for Pro Tools
February 17, 2015 07:06AM
Dear Group
I have been trying to motivate that my University where I teach editing move from FCP7 to FCPX. One of the hold-ups is that we currently export an omf to send to the sound department where all tracks and mixing occurs in ProTools 10 and 11. I am being told that there is an issue with the audio exports from FCPX which are not compatible with Pro Tools. And that the only solution is to buy software "X2Pro." Please advise, is this the only solution or is there any other workflow to solve this. Otherwise I will have to move to Avid.

Thank you very much

Laura van der Merwe
Editing Lecturer
AFDA Johannesburg
South Africa
Re: FCPX export for Pro Tools
February 17, 2015 10:36AM
Unfortunately X2Pro is the only way at the moment. There is no native OMF/AAF export in FCPX.

My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more
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Re: FCPX export for Pro Tools
February 18, 2015 05:30AM
Hi Jon
Thanks, appreciate your input.

Re: FCPX export for Pro Tools
July 18, 2015 08:19PM
surely the low cost of X allows for the purchase of 3rd party plugins & apps?
i thought ProTools itself won't run video unless you buy the add-on.

Re: FCPX export for Pro Tools
February 12, 2016 04:59AM
Thank you for this clarification. I was looking for this informtion and I couldn't find it.
It is sad that the new sofware is not so much powerful like the old one.
I wonder why APPLE doesn't update FCPX. Do they own X2Pro?
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