AVID MC5 to Premiere CS6

Posted by RussLichter 
AVID MC5 to Premiere CS6
September 10, 2014 10:03PM
Hello! My specs:
OSX 10.8.5
3.4 GHz Intel Core i7

I recently cut a feature film in Media Composer 5.5.2. The colorist wants to use Speedgrade to do his job, which requires me to export for Adobe. So I took my sequence and exported an AAF as instructed here: [tv.adobe.com]

I tried to import it into my Premiere CS 6.0.5 to test it out but when it gets to the part where I'm supposed to tell it where to find the files it gives me a "general error". It's fine with the audio files but it does not like the MXF files. The previous link shows the guy cutting with MOV files, but according to this guy, MXF shouldn't be a problem: [forums.creativecow.net]

The only difference is that he's running MC 7. Could that be the problem? Is this possible at all? I see people hawking software to convert everything to MOV but that can't be the solution, can it?

I welcome any thoughts & suggestions! Thanks.
Re: AVID MC5 to Premiere CS6
September 10, 2014 11:08PM
Premiere Pro CC will support Avid DNxHD files directly so what you should do is consolidate transcode the sequence to DNXHD and import the AAF file.

Re: AVID MC5 to Premiere CS6
September 10, 2014 11:14PM
Noticed you are using Premiere Pro CS6. That is a little bit sticky because Premiere back then didn't support Avid Media (op atom MXF). What I did back then was edit QTs in AMA media and then export an AAF and Premiere was happy.

Re: AVID MC5 to Premiere CS6
September 11, 2014 04:25PM
Hey there,

Thank you so much for your input. So CS6 is out.

Okay, so I downloaded and installed Premiere CC. I'm on the 30 day trial.

I imported the AAF and I was able to see my sequence! BUT the media did not come through. At least, the video didn't, the audio did. I can hear everything just fine. So I highlighted the media and set it to relink all the video but all I got was "Unsupported format or damaged file" error messages.

So I'm one step closer but now this! I'm not sure on which end the problem is...my AVID export or my Premiere import. Any more thoughts?


Edit: I just found this interaction where the person says that later versions of Premiere can't really import AAFs. I'm going out of my mind!
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