Can you record 525/23.98 in Premiere Pro?

Posted by Larry Garb 
Can you record 525/23.98 in Premiere Pro?
October 21, 2015 03:35PM
If you can what are the settings on capture to use?
Re: Can you record 525/23.98 in Premiere Pro?
December 02, 2015 12:20AM
Premiere Pro is actually an extremely capable audio recording studio, allowing you to record onto as many tracks as you like. Here’s what you need to know to get started.The first thing you need to do to get your audio to record into Première Pro is to visit your preferences and make sure that you have the appropriate inputs and outputs setup. When in your Preferences go to the ‘Audio’ tab
Now check all the three boxes including the ‘Mute input during timeline recording’. I have this checked to ensure that when I’m recording audio in Premiere it isn’t fed back out of my speakers causing a feedback problem.
Next, go to the ‘Audio Hardware’ tab. This tab will look different depending if you’re using Premiere on a PC or a Mac. Essentially it’s about making sure you have the correct input and outputs available from your system. And continue, you can easily do other steps.

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