Merge clip-Sequence and Viewer weirdness

Posted by chawla 
Have we discussed this one?


load a 1v 2a ( but non-stereo) clip into Viewer and edit into sequence 1V and 1A and 2A

Edit a 2a stereo audio track into 3A and 4A

Select All, and Link

Drag the newly linked clip back into the project tab as per the manual to complete the Merge.

Now edit it into a sequence (with linking toggled on).

Double click on the video clip. Only the video clip and filter and motion tabs load into the Viewer. Double click on the stereo clips in 3A and 4A and both tracks load up (but nothing else). Double click on the 1A and 2A clips and only the first 1A (apparently) loads up. Keep loading teh clips and you'll get very strange choices about what shows up in the Viewer

It gets even weirder

Toggle Linking off. Select the 1A and 2A clips (linked but not stereo) and stereo-ize them. Toggle linking back on. Drag this again to create a new merge. Drag this new merge into the sequence again and A1 and A2 have switched tracks with A3 and A4.

And it still doesn't load into the viewer correctly

Expected: loading merged clips SHOULD load all linked audio clips to relevant audio tabs. Or perhaps let auto select choose which clips load into tabs in Viewer would be cool

Result: only one clip loads into Viewer, and umm other very weird behavior...

Please confirm guys...
It's been like that since the app was firest released. The merged clip that you open from the Browser works correctly, but once it's in the sequence it doesn't function properly. Looks like it was never finished coding before it went out the door. Lot of stuff like that.

All the best,

Before I try this, can we isolate the question of whether this only happens when you mix stereo and indy audio in the same merged clip, or if it happens in all cases, even when starting with all indy audio clips.

IOWs, what happens if, before you select and link all 4 audio tracks in the TL, you first un-stereo pair the stereo tracks, and then link them all, so that you are not mixing stereo with indy in the merged clip.

Just a thought. It would be easier to test if i knew that.

Stereo pair or otherwise doesn't matter. All merged clips behave the same, even those merged directly in the Browser. It kind of cripples separate sound merging.

All the best,

Now I see in FCP3 where it only loads the one audio clip from separately merged, somehow never got into a situation where I needed both audio clips in the Viewer from the canvas. Now with merged clips with more than 2 audio tracks, I do.

Does the track switching stem from the same cause, do ya think? I'll noodle around with it later today if I can. What's the point of having source destination routing if you can't trust your multitracks to end up in the right ones EVERYTIME?
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