Timeline not updating
September 08, 2004 07:43PM
This one's a doozie...
I'm working on a long (90 minute), somewhat complex (1-5 tracks) sequence that was shot out of doors. The primary camera had quite a bit of wind shake, so I stabilized most of it in (standalone) Boris RED and output it as a series of .mov files. When I attempt to replace the original clips with the stabilized footage (yes, they're uniquely named) in the composited parts of the sequence, the timelime will not update or mandate a render. The viewer will show the clip, but the any changes made won't show up in the canvas when the timeline is scrubbed or played. When I deleted all relevant footage from the track (blanksville...), it still played the original footage. Dump prefs, clean up the drives, restart, still the same. Took the entire project to another system - no change. Wrote the entire sequence to another drive, deleted the render files, rendered for 9 hours - the new footage is in place, but now it won't adjust either!

OOps... 1.42 GHz dual G4/2 GB RAM, 300 GB RAID, 600 GB external FW JBOD array, OS X 10.3.5, FCP 4.5, up to date as of friday.
The second system is a mostly stock 1.25 GHz dual G4, 1.5 GB, same software.

Help me Obie-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope...

Re: Timeline not updating
September 09, 2004 09:49AM
best to post this at the cafe, tom.
this forum is for reporting bugs, rather thyan trouble shooting

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