DVD@CCESS Auto Launch?
August 15, 2006 04:28PM
Is there any such thing as how to make DVD@CCESS Auto Launch for a user
to install dvd@access file in there PC without all that instruction page I have to create and have the user install it manually.

please help thank you

Re: DVD@CCESS Auto Launch?
August 15, 2006 08:33PM
In my limited knowledge of the Windows platform, I believe you could easily build an autorun.inf file that points to the DVD@access installer. But, as Steve Jobs would say, this is many times seen as "bad karma". People don't appreciate discs that start installing things they don't know in their computers. One intermediate step could be pointing the autorun to a (local) web page that explains DVD@access and gives the option of launching the installer, right?

Adolfo Rozenfeld
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Re: DVD@CCESS Auto Launch?
August 16, 2006 11:39AM
I would still Like to know how to make it auto Launch

thank you

Re: DVD@CCESS Auto Launch?
August 16, 2006 11:13PM
As I said, you have to write an autorun.inf file and place it in the root directory.
If you google "how to create autorun.inf" you'll get all the information you want.
The text file will be very similar to these two lines

open = FolderWhereDVD@accessIs/NameOfInstaller.exe

Not much more than that!

Adolfo Rozenfeld
Buenos Aires - Argentina
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