DVD Burn Speeds - will slower spped disks work?

Posted by cpeditor 
DVD Burn Speeds - will slower spped disks work?
December 20, 2007 03:08PM
Hi, I know we can't set burn speeds through DVD Studio Pro 2 and I'd rather not have to add another step to the process by burning master disks in Toast.

I've a 16x superdrive, however, need to output onto 8x disks to suit the devices being used to play the material.

If I were to burn from DVD SP2 onto 8x disks, will that force the drive to burn at 8x? Will this work for what I need to do?

Sounds like a dumb question now that I've typed it! Hope it's clear to someone out there.
Re: DVD Burn Speeds - will slower spped disks work?
December 31, 2007 08:09AM
In general, the discs will burn at the manufacturers recommend speeds.

DVD Studio takes a look at the media and sets the record speed based on the media design.
Re: DVD Burn Speeds - will slower spped disks work?
January 08, 2008 05:31PM
Still using new disks on my old G4-933 2x burner nad they still work well.
Re: DVD Burn Speeds - will slower spped disks work?
January 19, 2008 04:49PM
As John said, DVDSP will use the fastest speed available to it for the disc type and burner capabilities.
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