Slow DVD Menu
January 08, 2008 08:27PM
I made a DVD menu where an image changes and the text changes color as you mouse over the text. It works great and looks great, but the client thinks the time it takes for the image to change takes too long.
Is there a way for me to speed up the loading of the image?
Thanks in advance,
Re: Slow DVD Menu
January 09, 2008 09:04AM
That "feature" is not in the DVD Spec. Using a computer mouse to test anything with DVD navigation is improper as all navigation on Red laser DVD's is to be done through the remote ONLY.

DVD's can not use rollovers! DVD can not be tested using a computer mouse!

DVD's display one frame or image at a time. DVD's are to be authored to play in Set Top DVD Players!
Re: Slow DVD Menu
January 19, 2008 04:52PM
How did you create the menu? Did you use photoshop layers? Rollover type effects can be simulated, but you have to use a standard overlay type menu, not layer based. If you do use an overlay then you are restricted in the number of colours you can use for the image that appears. There are ways around this, but they have bigger drawbacks than are useful, IMO.
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