Any way to import markers with clip?

Posted by John K 
Any way to import markers with clip?
April 24, 2008 07:22PM
Motion doesn't seem to want to read any markers embedded in a Quicktime clip. I've tried exporting movies with Chapter, Compression and Scoring markers and choosing 'All Markers', no results.

I'd like to be able to bring in an entire sequence with all of my FCP filters applied so I can composite correctly into my pre-made backgrounds, which rules out a 'Send' command since the filters don't transfer. But I need to see where the cut points are between clips in the exported sequence when I bring it into Motion. Any ideas?


SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: Any way to import markers with clip?
April 24, 2008 07:47PM
Why can't you see your cut points in Motion? If you open the Timeline you should be able to see them all. Select a clip and press Shift-I to go to the clip's In point or Shift-O to go to its Out point.
Re: Any way to import markers with clip?
April 25, 2008 02:42AM
I'm importing a Quicktime movie from FCP, not a timeline. I want to be able to mark that movie when I export it so that I can see where the cut points *were* in the original timeline because I have to alter the background graphics to match the shot changes. If I can't get markers to import I'll either have to eyeball it or else export each clip individually and line them up again in Motion, total pain.

SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: Any way to import markers with clip?
April 25, 2008 08:04AM
Again, why not send the clips from FCP to Motion?
Re: Any way to import markers with clip?
April 25, 2008 11:35AM
Because I want to be able to see the filters I applied in FCP.

If I color-correct to say, brighten a green screen but I'm doing the keying in Motion, I can't send the clip because the filter doesn't come across. Same with other filters that I have in FCP (and don't work in Motion) like the DFT 55mm set. I'm not working with individual clips here -- I want to bring in my entire edited sequence.

SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: Any way to import markers with clip?
April 29, 2008 09:03AM
Ah, yes - filters, generators, and transitions don't show up if you send them from FCP to Motion (with the sole exception of FCP's Smoothcam filter) - so normally I'd say just use Motion's filters instead, but you have the DFT 55mm set, which can't be used in Motion because they aren't fx plug.

So no, Motion won't see embedded QT markers, sorry.
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