
Posted by keadig 
May 13, 2008 09:57PM
I am having trouble with livetype. I cannot seem to access any of the textures. I can see the sample in the browser,but when add to new track is selected it drops a bar on the timeline but it is not visible and will not play. Also in templates. none of the background show up. the text does but not any of the backgrounds. any ideas? Phil
Re: Livetype
May 13, 2008 10:16PM
Sounds like they aren't installed - you have the thumbnails but not the media. Did you install them? Perhaps on a separate FW drive that isn't mounted?
Re: Livetype
May 14, 2008 12:28AM
I thought they were . How can I check and what sort of file would they be. I have gone into app support livetype andd in there is effects,images,livefonts,movies(only 2 in there),objects,templates, textures. in textures are all the cataagories and files call lttx files . what are they (thumnails?). Should there be a media file?
Re: Livetype
May 14, 2008 08:16AM
I keep mine on a separate drive that isn't connected now, but the other components are in root > Library > Application Support > LiveType
Re: Livetype
May 18, 2008 08:23PM
I have re installed Livetype from the discs and still no media for the templates . where are they sourced and where do They live?
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