Help with keyframes

Posted by shelleyrae 
Help with keyframes
May 30, 2008 09:59AM

I'm having trouble with what should be a very simple move.

I have a four-second clip layer split screen. I have divided my video screen into quadrants. I want the upper left quadrant to stay put as it's fixed size for three seconds and then grow to fill the screen for the remaining second.

I've tried the auto record button as well as manually setting key frames and no matter what I do, the quadrant grows over the period of the clip. In other words, it starts growing from the beginning of the clip. That's not what I want. How do I get the quadrant to stay at it's fixed size for the initial three seconds of the clip, then grow to fill the screen for the remaining second?

Please help.


MacBoo Pro 2015
16 GB Ram
OS X 10.13
Premiere Pro CC
Re: Help with keyframes
May 30, 2008 10:08AM
You need your initial keyframe at the smaller size to be placed on the frame where you want the animation to begin. You can move it over in the Timeline by first turning on "view keyframes" at the bottom left corner.
Re: Help with keyframes
May 30, 2008 11:09AM
Thanks, Mark.

Part of the problem I now realize was that I needed to keyframe the position as well as the scale parameters.

MacBoo Pro 2015
16 GB Ram
OS X 10.13
Premiere Pro CC
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