Anyone know of a Motion class in LA?

Posted by filmcutter 
Anyone know of a Motion class in LA?
June 04, 2008 02:38PM
Does anyone here know of any place in the Los Angeles area that is teaching a Motion class in June? Moviola Digital was offering one, but they just called and said they had to cancel due to an "instructor conflict".

I have tried doing the DVD tutorials and the Motion book, but I've never been very successful learning from those kinds of things. A class (or one on one training) is the most effective way for me.

Thanks much-

Re: Anyone know of a Motion class in LA?
July 28, 2008 07:16PM
Did you ever find a class?? I'm looking too. The Apple book is so tedious...
Re: Anyone know of a Motion class in LA?
July 29, 2008 12:22AM
I did. Moviola Digital has a class in it. They break it down into Motion 101 and Motion 201. Obvious the 201 class is more advanced and I think you need to have taken the 101 class first. It basically covers the same stuff as in the Apple book, but at least you have an instructor there helping you cope.
Re: Anyone know of a Motion class in LA?
July 29, 2008 12:40AM
thanks! The Steve Ripple training dvd pretty good, but you probably already know about that!
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