Circular Text

Posted by kjoske 
Circular Text
June 07, 2008 07:11PM
I tried to make a logo spin around a spinning globe but I cannot do it. So now I am just trying to have basic text spin horizontally around the globe, I still can't figure it out. I think the problem may be that my earth had a background and I masked just the globe which spins around and the text or logo cannot spin around the masking? I used basic 3d, and orbit around on both the logo and the basic text neither of them spinned around the globe. Does anyone know of a template that can do that, or does anyone know how to get the basic text to spin around the globe? I am using motion 2.
Re: Circular Text
June 07, 2008 07:49PM
For anyone who has this same problem I found a great video tutorial call "Curved text FCP on Motion 2 on this site. I'm closer to an answer but I ran into a step which I apparently missed. See my question below. Hope this helps someone.

I've been trying to get text to circle around a globe with no idea how to do it.
Your video tutorial is GREAT. I am lost on a step though.
1. Type Text
2. Blacken Out Text; click inspector
3. Click layout Path - Loop
4. Path offset 100%
5. Click on text and I see a circle with my text on the left hand side.

So now my text is set to go around the circle except I cannot figure out how to make it ACTUALLY MOVE round the circle. I can space my layout space by space and the text will go around that way but when I hit the play button the text will not move?

Can you please tell me what step I am missing?
Also will this same procedure work for a logo i.e. can the logo spin around the globe using this same procedure? I am on motion 2.
Re: Circular Text
June 07, 2008 09:38PM
Keyframe the Path Offset parameter.
Re: Circular Text
June 09, 2008 11:55AM
Thanks for your response.

Yes, I was key framing for movement but it didn't work. Reading your response and other response I went back and clicked the "RED RECORD Button" on the bottom of canvas and set the path offset to "0" at frame 1. Then I turned the record button off and went to the end of the motion which is frame 240. I turned the RED RECORD Button back ON and moved the "path offset" until my letters completely circled the globe, saved and turned my RED RECORD Button Off.

The Result is that the text DOES move slowly around the spinning globe. Is this what you meant?
Is this the correct way to do it?
Re: Circular Text
June 09, 2008 12:00PM
That's one way, but you don't need to turn the record button on and off repeatedly - turn it on, then every change you make is recorded as a keyframe.
Re: Circular Text
June 10, 2008 02:33PM
Ok, thank you.
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