Accessing the Text Layer
August 27, 2008 03:27AM
Is there a tip/trick to be able to access a type layer in a 3D layer, i.e. not in the Text Format tab to correct text entry, but in the canvas where I need to tweak spacing between individual characters?

When I use the text tool and try to get back in to the text layer, Motion adds a new text layer. Don't want that. I just want to get the text cursor back into the existing text layer.

Re: Accessing the Text Layer
August 27, 2008 08:12AM
EDIT-sorry it is morning, you want to acess it from the canvas.
I wish I could remove this reply....

In the layer dropdown on the timeline, select the layer called Text, open up the
inspector, and find the text entry box.
Edit the text from here.

ClayC Wrote:
> Is there a tip/trick to be able to access a type
> layer in a 3D layer, i.e. not in the Text Format
> tab to correct text entry, but in the canvas where
> I need to tweak spacing between individual
> characters?
> When I use the text tool and try to get back in to
> the text layer, Motion adds a new text layer.
> Don't want that. I just want to get the text
> cursor back into the existing text layer.
> Thanks,
> Clay
Re: Accessing the Text Layer
August 27, 2008 08:43AM
You could also just press the "X" key, which will invoke Motion's exposé feature and spread out all the elements on the Canvas - you can then mouse over each one to reveal the layer name, then click on the correct one when you locate it.
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