Soundtrack Pro 2 Problem
September 06, 2007 12:30AM
Hey Guys,

So I'm in a jam editing sound for a movie and just updated to the new Soundtrack Pro recently. I can't seem to Transpose some of the clips. I also tried to convert the clip to looping but it seems that option is gone. The weird thing is, the transpose/speed still works on some of the clips, just not all of them. I have a deadline that I'm facing, and I'm freaking out!! Can anyone please help??? THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

P.S. I tried posting this same question on the apple support site, and not one person had any idea what to do. So I've turned here, and just any idea would help.... please help me Obi Wan - please help. grinning smiley
Re: Soundtrack Pro 2 Problem
September 26, 2007 10:20PM
I have an idea what might be wrong here, but my disclaimer is that I am a newbie and I've just started learning STP. Might be wrong.

However, I did just do the Lynda tutorial on transposing, and I was very confused to discover that in version 2.0.1 I couldn't just control click on the clip to get the transpose menu. Or maybe it was option click. Whatever, it didn't work.

I eventually found it in the details tab. There is a box which says transpose. The rest should be familiar to you.

Hope this helps. Your post sounded urgent and it was almost a month ago.

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