OT: Stolen G-Tech RAID

Posted by John K 
OT: Stolen G-Tech RAID
October 28, 2008 02:43PM
Hi all,

Just wanted to post this on here in the off-chance that someone might notice anyone trying to sell a stolen item.

A couple weeks ago my G-Tech eSpeed RAID (3TB) was returned from servicing and was left at my front door by FedEx. I never got it, it just disappeared. I doubt someone knew what they were taking as other (non-gear) packages were taken as well, a target of opportunity. What they would have wound up with was a device with no power cable, SATA cables, host adapter or instructions. They may not know what it is and try to sell it as an "external hard drive" or "mini computer" or something.

The theft occurred in Los Angeles area, near Van Nuys in the Valley. I'm getting the drive replaced from the company (hopefully) but I would like to track down the old one because it still had data on it -- plus I hate getting ripped off! If you come across anything similar listed on Craig'slist or eBay, I would appreciate the heads' up.


SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: OT: Stolen G-Tech RAID
October 28, 2008 03:30PM
That just sux bro...sorry to hear that. I hate when FedEx / UPS leaves boxes at my door when nobody's home all day. In the good old days they would leave it with a neighbor.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: OT: Stolen G-Tech RAID
October 28, 2008 03:36PM
Yeah. Big time bummer. Will keep a watch out for you.

Michael Horton
Re: OT: Stolen G-Tech RAID
October 28, 2008 03:37PM
Thanks guys.

SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
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