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Do the files open in QuickTime Player X? If QTX can't open it then that's an indication that it's not supported natively by AV Foundation.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
I always switch off writing XMP IDs to the media files and I've never had issues with this workflow.
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
I don't think such tools are possible with FCPX. Unlike in the QuickTime days, codec support has to be hard-coded into FCPX itself as far as I'm aware.
You have two options:
1. Use Resolve as your NLE because it supports DPXs natively and can interpret them as clips.
2. An offline-online workflow where you generate offline QuickTime movies with timecode and then match them back to the DP
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
If you transcoded Premiere would export a lot faster. If Premiere can just dump those frames directly into a new file without changing them it can export really fast. I rarely use filters on an offline cut so exports of a 90 min movie take about 6 minutes (mainly for the audio). Over time this could add up to a lot more time saved than the initial transcode cost you.
But as you correctly ident
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
I think the question of which app you use is less important than how you're monitoring it. I'm assuming they want it in a P3 space, which means you would have to have a monitor capable of displaying that gamut.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
Best to wait and see what ports the new one has if it's out by then. If it's just got USB-C you'll need adapters for almost everything. But for the current version I don't know if you'll need anything more than Thunderbolt to FireWire. Apple sells them for $30:
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
It depends how long you can wait, as the current version is over a year old. But I have a friend with this iMac and it's pretty fast. The problem with waiting for the next thing is that there's always a new thing coming. If you need it now, buy it now.
Current iMacs do not have FireWire ports and new iMacs will probably use USB-C, so you'd need adapters regardless of which one you chose.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
That's correct - when people say "uncompressed" they are normally referring to Linear PCM.
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Seeing as you're using Pro Maintenance Tools, can you check Plugin Manager to see if the motion template is listed? If so, you can delete it directly from Plugin Manager.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
XML still needs a lot of work. I exported an XML from FCP 7 the other day and was surprised that Premiere didn't even recognize the speed changes, so all of the retimed clips came in at 100% speed.
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
If you have an iPad, we have an app called Cut Notes that allows you to make notes that are synced to timecode in FCP 7:
Another way would be to use Adobe Premiere, which has an option to not pause playback when you switch away from the app.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
Unfortunately X2Pro is the only way at the moment. There is no native OMF/AAF export in FCPX.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
All that happens is it just moves it to a different folder. FCP 7 continues to work just fine and I run the both side-by-side without issues.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
I generally create scrolling credits in After Effects and it takes about 20-30 mins to render out a 5 min scroll to ProRes. I've never done it in Premiere but 90 mins sounds far too long.
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Finder error -50 can occur when OS X thinks a disk or folder is in use. As it keeps occurring I'd recommend checking for apps running in the background like TechTool that may be locking up resources.
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
I'd be interested to know the proportion of people with third-party SSDs who ran TRIM Enabler. I'm betting a lot of people didn't even know they should have been using it.
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
The software you saw was probably PluralEyes:
Premiere can do this too, as can FCPX, but PluralEyes tends to be a little more advanced than the built-in versions.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
Good tip, didn't know that was possible.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA
Forgot to mention the online workflow - just reconnect to the 4444 media in FCP 7. Then you can export an XML or EDL for grading.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA
FCP 7 shouldn't have to render ProRes 4444 at all unless you add effects to it, but if you want to add LUTs (which I'd recommend) you'll need to create another copy of the media which could take up a lot of space and is probably better at a lower-bandwidth codec. We used ProRes LT, but in retrospect we probably would have been fine even with ProRes Proxy.
On this particular movie the editorial
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA
Reference files are not supported by AV Foundation and it seems like they'll die with QuickTime.
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
You can use a tool called EdiMarker to import markers into Pro Tools:
However, it has its own marker format and currently Cut Notes is the only app to write to it. But if you're interested I can add it to Project Overview which would allow you to go straight from Premiere markers via FCP XML.
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Can you post a screenshot?
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
Nope, different versions work well side-by-side. It's something I've always appreciated as a developer.
by Jon Chappell
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC
In my experience these sorts of policies are enacted by people who know nothing at all about security. If they're worried about viruses, why are they using a USB stick to transmit the potential virus back from the upload station to the main edit bay?
Also, a rogue employee is a more likely source of a footage leak than an outside hacker.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
Thanks, I might take a look at that when 10.9 becomes more stable.
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
Just curious, what's the hack for running it on an older Mac?
by Jon Chappell
- Café LA - X
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