simple audio effect question

Posted by arbie 
simple audio effect question
June 20, 2006 02:56PM
Could someone please tell me how to create the audio effect of someone talking on the telephone? In the scene the camera is on the actor but I want to hear the person he's talking to. We caught the audio of the other part of the conversation on a separate track.
Anonymous User
Re: simple audio effect question
June 20, 2006 03:32PM
Re: simple audio effect question
June 20, 2006 03:53PM
That's with the Band Pass Filter. If you haved a Graphic Equalizer available in an audio program, reduce the frequencies felow 300 Hz and above 3000Hz.

That will get you in the room pretty quickly, too..


Re: simple audio effect question
June 20, 2006 04:44PM
Just have the actor hold his nose.

I'm sorry... ;-)

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Re: simple audio effect question
June 20, 2006 05:53PM

"Have I reached the party to whom I'm speaking?"

Yes, the graphic equalizer is parked in the Apple Tools under the Audo Filters. Final Cut doesn't have a Graphic Equalizer.

Re: simple audio effect question
June 21, 2006 12:58PM
Michael (and everyone). Thanks for the link. It worked great (although levels are still very low even though I maxed them out. Not sure how that will eventually pan out in final post....).
Re: simple audio effect question
June 21, 2006 07:33PM

<<<although levels are still very low>>>

You can get a really good boost in levels with the Sound Mixer instead of messing with the volume tool in the viewer.

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