Apple buys "Proximity" for "Artbox"

Posted by mark raudonis 
Apple buys "Proximity" for "Artbox"
December 04, 2006 10:56PM
Here's another step that Apple has taken to acquire a company that provides a solution for an area that they currently aren't serving: media asset management.


If anyone saw their stuff at last year's NAB, they provide a software solution called "Art Box" that effectively functions in much the way that Avid's "Interplay" does. The two system's aren't quite comparable head to head, but I like what Apple has been doing recently: spending some of that iPod cash on companies that can improve the FCP Studio feature set.

It's going to be a VERY interesting NAB this year.

Re: Apple buys "Proximity" for "Artbox"
December 05, 2006 12:13AM
...all we need now is for Apple to purchase Maxon and incorporate Cinema 4D into the Studio Package.

Alright...alright...I'm up - I'm up!

- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Apple buys "Proximity" for "Artbox"
December 05, 2006 05:00AM
Yeah As I've just purchased C4D R10 its a great program and a massive leap from 9.6.

Re: Apple buys "Proximity" for "Artbox"
December 05, 2006 02:14PM
This is great for Apple shoehorning it's way into television newsrooms...where I often work. Avid's Unity system is the defacto winner in most newsrooms across the country. Not because it's a better bargain or Avid's an easier system. They simply integrated everything first. And for the most part, it works without a hitch. Apple's purchase signals it's desire to take a bite into another one of AVID's niche businesses. Andy
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