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Need help converting m4p itune download to aiffPosted by ixschell
I downloaded a song on itoons 6.05 on my G5 (OSX 10.4.7) to cut into my documentary. Final Cut Pro doesn't like m4p -- it imports with no sound. So, I reserched online how to convert the file to aiff, then I tried it using itoons. It wouldn't work because any song downloaded on itoons cannot be converted. Outside of buying the CD, is there another option? Thanks!
You do know that you have to retain the sync rights to this music before you even THINK of showing it to a mass audience, right? That just because you downloaded it from iTunes doesn't mean that you can use it in your movie, right?
There is a way to do this, but before we let you know, you must know that you need to get the rights to the song. I use music from iTunes as TEMP music...meaning that before it sees the light of day ALL of the music will be replaced. What are your plans? ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
OK...just wanted to make sure.
Burn the song to a CD. Then reimport that into iTunes as an AIFF file, 48khz, 16 bit stereo. You can set this up in the PREFERENCES...importing. ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
burn it to a cd in itunes, then reimport that, then you can do the aiff thing.
ive never tried it but audacity might do it as well: [audacity.sourceforge.net]
The suggestions seem so simple, even so I"m having trouble.
I couldn't burn it to CD in itoons because the option was grey -- perhaps because it's a protected song. So, I tried Toast, first as "data" but that didn't work. Then as "audio." But in audio, Toast CHANGED the song to another song. I did it three times! Any other suggestions? What am I doing wrong?
I tried that. It looked like it was going to work. The CD burned fine in the new playlist from itoons, but when I imported it into FCP there was no sound. There were no sound waves, just the way the m4p files import. What am I doing wrong? It the copy protection to blame? Or, am I just not getting it?
Did you import the song as an AIFF file? You need to choose this setting in the iTunes preferences.
![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
> I think you can also convert it to AIFF in MPEG Streamclip, if you have that.
Pretty sure you can't -- just tested it. "Invalid MPEG start code". Can't get around the m4p protection. > There were no sound waves, just the way the m4p files import. What am I doing wrong? It may be possible that they took this feature out of iTunes. I remember catching some wind about Apple's uneasiness about the ability of its own iTunes CD-burning function to get around the copy protection. But check your import settings -- APPLE-Y, Advanced - Importing. Make sure you're not converting the CD track to a non-FCP-friendly format like AAC or MP3. ![]() www.derekmok.com
The CD has to be an Audio CD not a DATA or mp3 cd. It's a setting in iTunes.
Can you confirm that the CD can play in a CD player? Once that is confirmed you have got to a place where there is no remnant of any DRM protection. It's up to you to screw it up, no offense intended. I guess Apple might be able to pull off some trickiness with remembering what purchased songs were burnt where, I doubt it though. You could try importing off the CD in another computer if available. ak Sleeplings, AWAKE! ![]()
Yep, apple closed this loophole a while back.
I spent an hour on the phone with Apple Care. We tried everything. I think the file is copy protected and there's no way around it. She suggested I e-mail itoons store and ask if I can download it again in the .aiff format, so I did. She said songs should download in the .aiff format.
Thank you everyone for all your suggestions!!!
Even if you download in AIFF format (haven't heard this was possible in iTunes), it might still have embedded copyright protection of some sort. I don't think iTunes would be willing to discard copyright protection just for you.
I think you're missing something -- burning an audio CD from iTunes should have worked. Are you doing the conversion correctly? Describe what you did, every step. ![]() www.derekmok.com
I doubt I could describe every step because I was on the phone with Apple tech support talking me through it for an hour. We tried countless ways to burn the CD and change the format. The song on the burned CD from itoons wouldn't play. It doesn't matter if it's an .aiff with copy protection as long as I can load it into FCP. FCP won't play an m2p file. I think that's my only option at this point.
Are you still on iTunes 6? If my memory serves, it was a change made in iTunes, applicable to new purchases.
There was also one limitation which I'm not sure has been removed in iMovie: iMovie couldn't handle exporting audio in 48kHz. This workaround necessitates (used to necessitate?) dealing with 44.1kHz files, resaving them as 48kHz, etc. ![]() www.derekmok.com
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