Output HD
April 30, 2007 07:58PM
Hi all:
I am converting some of my documentaries to HD (720p 24fps de-interlaced) via an HD plugin program. I am using FCP 4.5 HD with a G4 Powermac, 1.4 processor, OS X 10.3.9. What would you suggest as the best way to output the HD project from this computer? I am pretty sure I need an HD video card, but are these video cards available for a G4? Any other suggestions? Thanks. Stan
Re: Output HD
April 30, 2007 09:01PM
There are no cards available for the G4. That is PCI...and the cards are only for PCI-X and PCIe.

Now...ouput to HD...what format of HD? HDCAM SR? HDCAM? D5? DVCPRO HD? XDCAM? HDV?

Best way to do this...take your project to a post facility where they will output for you.


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Re: Output HD
April 30, 2007 09:02PM
you;d also need an HD deck of some sort.
and drives fast enough to lay the HD back

but you are right, you wont get a card for that old computer.

so take your file to a facility that can help you get it back out to tape.

as far as that goes, you would probably be best off taking you SD masters to a tape house that can do a hard-ware up-convert to HD for you.

Re: Output HD
April 30, 2007 11:15PM
In what format were your documentaries originated?
Re: Output HD
May 01, 2007 01:19AM
Thanks for that. May be just the push I need for a G5. Also, good question, regarding what output format. I am still waiting to hear from Smithsonian Networks, but good to know no matter what format needed, I need to either get a G5 or take the drive to a facility for the transfer. Thanks for the info and input.
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