I am having a problem that just recently occurred. Whenever I digitize a clip of three minutes or longer, the frame freezes about three minutes into the process, while the audio remains constant. Then about a minute later, the video snaps back to sync. Also, if I have a Quicktime file, properly digitized, on any harddrive, and I drop it into the timeline, the same thing happens. I have tried digitizing to three different external firewire drives (all with plenty of space on them) and the same thing happens. I dumped the fcp.plist and the FCP folder from the preferences ... same thing. This has never happened before and it's driving me crazy. Any ideas?
FCP 4.5 HD
G4 Quicksilver
200GB internal Drive
(3) 200 to 300 GB external Firewire Drives
OS x 10.4.11
QT 7.3.0 v 7.3 (7.3)
PS I ran disk utilities and DiskWarrior on all drives successfully. Same problem.