What Graphics Card do I need?

Posted by Delphinus 
What Graphics Card do I need?
December 03, 2007 04:27PM
I just upgraded from FCP 4.5 HD to FC Studio on my G4 Quicksilver, but I cannot launch FC Studio because apparently I need a newer graphics card than the Radeon 9000 Pro currently installed. Several people have told me it should launch with this video card, but it won't. Any suggestions?

OS X 10.4.11
QT 7.3.0
Re: What Graphics Card do I need?
December 03, 2007 11:15PM
I recently installed a ATI Radeon 9800 Mac Pro graphic card on my Quicksilver G4 after upgrading my CPU to a Sonnet 1.8 Ghz dual processor. Everything seems to run fine...but please, realize, that this is for high-end hobbyist use, for family archiving and all. I don't need the latest and greatest to put bread on the table.

According to "Getting Started with Motion" from Peachpit Press the Radeon 9000 won't cut it. I may be wrong and will gladly defer to the people here who really know what they're doing, but I think you need to upgrade your video card.

And depending on your monitor, if you're running a ADC Cinema display, you'll need to shell out another hundred bucks or so for an ADC-DVI converter.

Like I said, I'm a rank amateur and may be wrong (although that rarely is the case!). In any event, I'll follow this thread with great interest.

Re: What Graphics Card do I need?
December 04, 2007 05:43AM
I'd go for the ATI Radeon 9800 Mac Pro 256MB graphic card, I use to have one in my G5 before upping it to the Radeon X800XT, very reliable and good performance.

I'm not sure you can run the X800 in your Quicksilver due to power requirements but there maybe a hack if you search the net.

The 9800 will enable you to run FCS2 Motion et al...

Google it: [www.google.com]

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Re: What Graphics Card do I need?
December 04, 2007 09:13AM
There is only ONE 4x AGP video card that will work in the Quicksilver. The ATI 9800 Mac Pro 128 or 256 MB (if you can find it) for 4x AGP.

Not even the ATI 9600 will work in the Quicksilver- it's only for the MDD (Mirrored door) version.
Re: What Graphics Card do I need?
December 04, 2007 11:51AM
John: I called CDW to order and they indicated that the only two to fit the Quicksilver are the Radeon X800 XT and the Radeon 9200 Mac Edition. I did a search for a Radeon 9800 and what I came up with looks like an accelerator. Check it out:

I don't think the Quicksilver has the power to run the X800, Is the 9200 what you meant?
Re: What Graphics Card do I need?
December 04, 2007 03:24PM
I am using a G4 Quicksilver with an ATI Radeon 7000 which has a whopping 32MB, and I am using FCS with no real problems. I haven't tried to run Motion because I was told it wouldn't run, but other than that it seems to work. Barry
Re: What Graphics Card do I need?
December 04, 2007 03:27PM
Here's the card you need. I got mine from Amazon.com
Re: What Graphics Card do I need?
December 04, 2007 04:15PM
The Quicksilver does not have AGP Pro x8 so the Radeon X800 XT won't work without some tweaking and extra power coupling.

The top card you can put in the QS is the 9800 pro 256 Mac Edition AGP x4 and this is the only card you should put in this machine. Anything less is a waste.

Any GPU accelerated FX will work faster on this card and Motion may actually be useable - ish...

TBH and IMO I hate using Motion even on my X800XT Dual G5 (sluggish and unresponsive for anything really useful) its really one for the newer MacPros with a NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT or Quadro FX 4500 or Radeon X1900XT, where it starts to fly...

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