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On capture Video sticks!Posted by Lesley
When capturing a list of clips, using 'log clip' and 'batch', when I play the clips in the viewer about half way through the video freezes leaving the audio playing, often for about a minute and a half in a 10 minute clip, then resumes, putting everything out of synch. I've even replaced my 400gig Lacie FW hard drive with a new 500gig, and found that using a different camera it still does it. So I guess it must be in FCP. Please help, it's driving me mad.
FCP4.5 doesn't play nice with QuickTime 7. The "good" combinations are FCP4.5/QuickTime 6 and FCP5/QuickTime 7.
One more thing to check: Are any of your drives or the computer set to go to sleep? Those options (under Power Save in System Preferences) should always be set to "Never". www.derekmok.com
Hi Lesley,
Here is how to go back. [www.macfixit.com] but rather than use the QT 7 listed on this page, go to the link below for all past version of QT [www.digitalrebellion.com] --ken
It's definitely the Quick Time 7.3, which began my problems in November. I now capture everything in clips of only 4 minutes in length. I'm running FCP 4.5 with OSX 10.4.11 on an eMac, 1ghz, 512mb Ram. Does anyone know if I can undo the QT 7.3 and get myself back to normal "capture" life again?
Here's how to downgrade Quicktime from the FAQ : Downgrading Quicktime
Although, this is basically a repeat of what Ken posted two messages above yours in this thread.
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