Replace Command Messed Up with synced dailies
April 21, 2008 11:17AM
I'm using FCP 6.0.2 and we are being forced to sync dailies in the editing room on some takes because the guide track they are feeding into the camera (HD) has noise. When I use the replace command with clip that are hand synced the piece that goes in is a different piece than I have marked. We are syncing on a timeline and then making clip independent. We can't just sync by timecode because there is a 2 frame delay between the picture tc and the sound tc.

Is there something I'm missing? Or is this a know glitch?
Re: Replace Command Messed Up with synced dailies
April 21, 2008 12:02PM
> We can't just sync by timecode because there is a 2 frame delay between the picture tc and the
> sound tc.

If the two-frame offset is consistent, it might be easier for you to sync by timecode and then manually slip the audio by two frames using the Slip tool, or OPTION-Left/Right Arrow, or , and .
Re: Replace Command Messed Up with synced dailies
April 21, 2008 01:50PM
[When I use the replace command with clip that are hand synced the piece that goes in is a different piece than I have marked. ]

Replace Edits never use In-Out marks-- could that be your problem? It's a Playhead-to-Playhead action, from Viewer to Sequence. Set your Viewer Playhead in the clip where you want it, set your Timeline playhead in the clip you want replaced, and invoke. FCP will tell you if it hasn't got enough head or tail to complete the action.

If you want to specify *part* of a clip to replace, you can use In-Out marks in the sequence to dictate where Replace occurs, and the region can even overlap into the following clip. But that's all. Normally Replace Edit replaces the entire clip your Timeline Playhead is parked upon. It's pretty nifty.

- Loren
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Re: Replace Command Messed Up with synced dailies
April 21, 2008 02:17PM
No that's not it, but thanks. I think it has to be related to how we are syncing. We are going to do a test today of syncing with merge and see if that's the problem....
Re: Replace Command Messed Up with synced dailies
April 21, 2008 06:32PM
Tried it both way, on a time line with making independent clip and syncing with merge and still am getting picture and track out of sync when I do a replace cut. Is this a bug?
Re: Replace Command Messed Up with synced dailies
April 23, 2008 05:50PM
replace works fine for me. up to a point

is it really out of sync, of just a sync warning?

i am getting that sometimes when i replace audio.
ONE side of a stereo track will have a sync warning.

"When I use the replace command with clip that are hand synced the piece that goes in is a different piece than I have marked."

i too would have suggested you were not PARKED on the correct frame when you did the replace.
replace doesn't rely on markers *in the viewer*
markers in the Timeline do affect the operation.

maybe this is another issue, and im not reading your post right.
do you perhaps mean clips you have synced are then being edited into the timeline out of sync?

this can be caused by the audio (or video for that matter) NOT having a reel#.

for what it's worth, theres no need to make clip independant when syncing.
furthermore, my method is to sync in the timeline,
then LINK in the timeline (Merging is done in the browser and is a bit slower, in my opinion)

Re: Replace Command Messed Up with synced dailies
May 01, 2008 07:59PM
Just got word back from Apple. This turns out to be a known bug since 6.0.0 with any method of marrying picture with a different audio source. It seems to only affect DVCPROHD, according to them, although I'm not sure they've tested everything. They said the clips are having trouble keeping track of the sync points. The work around is after you sync a clip, you have to export the new independent clip as a QuickTime movie, then import it back into the project. It doesn't yet work with all clips, so some you have to open the exported file with QuickTime and then save them as reference clips. A couple haven't worked with that method either. Waiting for another suggestion from Apple tomorrow. They suggested something about XML, but want to work on it more before discussing it. They are also working on a way for me to again bring in dailies that I've already cut so I don't have to live with the problem on the old stuff. I'll keep you posted.
Re: Replace Command Messed Up with synced dailies
May 01, 2008 08:03PM
By the way, they just said that it's related to the upgrade in the multi-camera functions. They think that upgrade broke this...
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