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Problems w/G-TechnologyPosted by Ken Kessie
Well, Ken...I used to recommend G-RAIDS like mad. I still have one. The company has been bought out by Fabrik / SimpleTech. I have no experience with their Tech Support. [www.fabrik.com] When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
I called Aja once to get their help figuring out why I wasn't getting audio out of the unbalanced outputs on my break-out box. Turns out those outputs weren't plugged in.
The guy was nice enough to put me on mute while he and his coworkers laughed at me for five solid minutes. Best support ever.
You must be calling from the UK or Oz as I heard you call cameras "a piece of kit". Definitely not California-ese.
![]() Kevin Monahan Social Support Lead, DV Products Adobe Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro Community Blog Follow Me on Twitter!
I sent a drive in for repair to the company that took over G-Tech about 4 weeks ago. It has not been returned.
I called about one billion times and emailed 30,000 times and eventually got hold of someone who asked for my RMA number (again). That was about 10 days ago They said they had sent it back. But I think they have lost it. Perhaps in all ways. The service at G-tech was always a bit haphazard before the takeover, but now I find the new people kind of snippy on the phone and ... hey, they either don't reply to messages or emails or .... blah blah blah (fill in usual complaint here) The big drag is that I always thought of them as kinda high end people. But, perhaps. in retrospect, I was blinded by that beautiful aluminum case which matches the Mac. In cold facts, about half of the drives I have bought from them have given me trouble from the get-go, but I persisted with G-Tech because I could get a replacement from them quickly, due to their being local in Santa Monica. Well, now they aren't local any more. Harrumph. Has anyone else anything to say about this? Are all manufacturers just as cavalier to their customers? I guess so. Am I but a humble pilgrim struggling alone against the mighty forces of capitalism, boo hoo? Yes. (weeps uncontrollably) Harry
>Has anyone else anything to say about this?
In my last sweatshop (sorry, place of employment) we had 30+ FCP seats each with a 500GB G-RAID attached ... performance was rock solid, problem units was exactly 1 out of 30, and that was just a noisy fan. When I contacted G-Technology, even though I was far from local (being in Hong Kong) they couldn't do enough to help. The experience was altogether very satisfactory and I've been happy to use and recommend G-Technology ever since ... that said, this must be about 3 or 4 years ago, back when G-RAID's were one of the best games in town. Could be that with the decline in popularity and the change of corporate ownership the product and support have suffered.
I have two G-Raids and they both have noisy fans. The units have performed flawlessly but the fans worry me. Since the units are past warranty I wonder if I could open the units myself and install better fans. I am sure it would cost a lot to have the new owner's service department do it.
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