garbage mattes in FCP any good plugins?
February 04, 2009 01:53PM
FCP comes with an 8pt garbage matte which is not very precise or intuitive.
I have seen toms filters which works in similar ways but has more points.
Animating these can SUCK unless there's a faster way to work with them than just in the keyframe button + sign thingy.
Sometimes i don't know how many points i need or would like.

Are there any other options on Garbage mattes?
AE is the ideal way to control mattes / garbage mattes i know
But this particular project has to stay in FCP

Re: garbage mattes in FCP any good plugins?
February 04, 2009 03:01PM
Yeah it's very hard to do good garbage mattes in FCP. Do it in Motion- masks are incredibly easy there. Actually better than what you can do in AFX- I think.


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Re: garbage mattes in FCP any good plugins?
February 04, 2009 03:16PM
CHV or is it CGM has easy ways of doing Garbage Mattes. But you got Motion. Might as well use it. It really is as easy as reading the manual or watching a DVD tut.

Michael Horton
Re: garbage mattes in FCP any good plugins?
February 04, 2009 04:14PM
That's right Mike...just "Send To Motion" from the FCP timeline keeps it in FCP.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: garbage mattes in FCP any good plugins?
February 04, 2009 04:27PM
My free 8-point matte plugin is a little better animation-wise, but not any more intuitive.

You set up the 8 points as usual, but you have the option to scale, move and rotate (in 3 as well as 2 dimensions) the matte.

The problem is that Final Cut's scripting language does not give plugin creators the ability to set co-ordinate values for the matte points 'programmatically'. That is if you set your points to surround an object you want to track, other controls can move that matte, but the plugin cannot modify the co-ordinate figures that appear in the controls in the viewer to show that the matte has moved.

Alexandre Gollner,
Editor, Zone 2-North West, London

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