One pixel line around rendered graphic!
April 30, 2009 11:42AM
OK, in my confusion about this, I turn to the guys who have always helped me in the past - the Edit Gods of LAFCPUG!

I have a JPEG graphic that has a white background around the image, but the image itself (a JPEG image of a graph of arrows) goes right to the edge of the screen (720 x 480). I scale it down to fit within the screen then I select Matte --> Color and use the eyedropper on the JPEG, I get a solid white color that I then place on V1, with the JPEG on V2 and I Nest that puppy. There is now a green line on it in the timeline - the graphic looks OK, but is slightly rasterized on the curving lines, so I render its crisp, but I can see a one pixel white line around the graphic!

This shows on both my broadcast monitor and the flat screen for the client. This happens every time I choose to scale down an image with a solid color background within FCP.

I never used to get this "one pixel" line around scaled images - anyone know a fix for this?

FCP 6.0.5
2 x 2.66 Ghz Dual Dore Intel
Mac OS 10.5.6
latest Quicktime, etc.
I guess I stumped the band? No answers to my post
May 01, 2009 11:06AM
Maybe no one has ever seen this before? There is a weird one pixel white line around my my white matte background and JPEG graphic.
Re: I guess I stumped the band? No answers to my post
May 01, 2009 11:20AM
Could you post a screen shot of what you're seeing?
Re: I guess I stumped the band? No answers to my post
May 01, 2009 02:10PM
Hi Tom,

That's part of the problem - it only shows up on my broadcast monitor and the LCD for the client, not on the computer LCD's (Dell 2407WFP) in Final Cut.

I'll try and post a digital shot of the broadcast monitor - its quite obvious on the screen.
Re: I guess I stumped the band? No answers to my post
May 01, 2009 04:46PM
> it only shows up on my broadcast monitor and the LCD for the client, not on the computer
> LCD's (Dell 2407WFP) in Final Cut.

I've seen this plenty of times. There are a few tricks I do to get around it:

1. Use a Soft Edges or Mask Shape filter to soften the borders;
2. Instead of using a Color Matte to fill in the background, I use a version of the exact same graphic underneath;
3. Crop all sides by one or two pixels.
Re: I guess I stumped the band? No answers to my post
May 01, 2009 06:02PM
Hi Derek,

I'll give that a try - here is the iDisk URL of an image taken off my broadcast monitor - I have enhanced the contrast so the white line is more visible - but believe me, in real life its plain to see.

Re: I guess I stumped the band? No answers to my post
May 02, 2009 08:47AM
Your image in't coming through. The link is not correctly posted.
Re: I guess I stumped the band? No answers to my post
May 02, 2009 11:50AM
Sorry about that - try this one:

Re: I guess I stumped the band? No answers to my post
May 02, 2009 12:07PM
Derek, the Soft Edges did the trick! Thanks very much!
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