Panasonic DVX100A and Flip Ultra HD Camera (I know don't ask) how to multiclip?

Posted by pablotwa 
Panasonic DVX100A and Flip Ultra HD Camera (I know don't ask) how to multiclip?
July 22, 2009 05:35PM
Panasonic DVX100A and Flip Ultra HD Camera (I know don't ask) how to multiclip? I filmed a Theater play with a static Flip Ultra HD camera 720p 30fps mp4 output and a DVX100x 24P advanced. I capture the footage and it's great Except predictably I can't multiclip.

I have compressor and streamclip where do I go from here to

1) maintain 16:9

2) To be able to multiclip on FCP.

C'mon gents we put men on the moon ther's got to be a way!

Thank you in advanced insults and putdown are accepted ONLY if they come with a plausible solution.

Pablo Lewin
Re: Panasonic DVX100A and Flip Ultra HD Camera (I know don't ask) how to multiclip?
July 22, 2009 09:17PM
Ugh. You're in a rough spot. It's very tricky to mix 24p and 60i in the same timeline. Technically you can remove the 2:3:3:2 pulldown and insert 3:2 pulldown into the 24p, but intercutting is going to look really craptacular. Plus, I have no idea how to insert 3:2 using just the tools at your disposal.

I guess since your material was shot 30p and not 60i, even though now it's technically 60i, you could do an optical-flow conversion to 24p. But I don't know whether you'd be happy with the results. Only way to know for sure is to do a test and see.

But skipping over all that for a minute, your first step needs to be to convert everything to ProRes. Your material must be in the same format to create a multiclip, and ProRes is the best common denominator here. You'll still need to get everything to the same frame rate, but getting into the same format is the first step.

Thanks Jeff! I appreciate the info very much.

take care

Pablo Lewin
The PluralEyes application won't be able to multi-clip, but it WILL create a synched sequence for you when you have non-matching types of footage. Think of it as "old skool multi-clipping".

It's $129 and worth every penny to me, and also has a 30 day free demo:
Thank you! Pluraleyes is FANTASTIC it sync'd my clips in less than 5 minutes perfectly sound and all. Clips from 2 different unsynched cameras with completely different formats..ha,ha,ha!I'm in business!!
Re: Panasonic DVX100A and Flip Ultra HD Camera (I know don't ask) how to multiclip?
July 23, 2009 07:21PM
PluralEyes is magnificent. A bit of magic. We are demoing it next lafcpug meeting. Or not. Got to do Final Cut Studio too.

Michael Horton
Re: Panasonic DVX100A and Flip Ultra HD Camera (I know don't ask) how to multiclip?
July 23, 2009 07:27PM
> PluralEyes is magnificent.

Nice. Would have saved us days on our last show. Has anybody tested this with footage that has very little movement -- eg. interviews? Does it still work? What about stop/start clips (eg. syncing one long clip with two short ones)? And how long does it take?
Well let me put it this way. I filmed (video) a 3 hour theater play with a DVX100A camera and a static Flip ULTRA HD on the side..that's 24pa mini dv and 720p/30fps video. In less than 3 minutes it synched the entire 3 hours!! PERFECTLY! and I just downloaded the beta which has an audio level (better sync). which I am going to try next..Wait! it will build a multiclip IF all the FCP parameters are met (same size/frame rate etc) mine of cours didn't because I shot in 24pa and 30 p BUT since it synched all the clips from both cameras so well All I am doing is splitting the main canvas and simultaneously displaying both cameras so all I have to do is cut manually and presto..Yes it's not multiclipping but I have wildly different formats/rates and it's almost as fast with the cutting tool!!

Hey whoever recommended pluraleyes (didn't catch your name) you fixed my problem.


Pablo Lewin

PS The play had action scenes, sitting scenes, static scenes it didn't matter synched everything perfectly..:-) :-)

Has anybody tested this with footage that has very little movement

I've run it almost exclusively on interview footage and it works like a champ.

As for speed, I don't have any hard numbers. But a typical interview scenario for us is:
70 minute interview
two cameras (HVX200s shooting 720p)
30 clips for each camera, 60 clips total.

Version 1 takes around ~15 minutes on my 2.5ghz MacBookPro. It is MUCH slower on my 2x2.0 G5, like 3+ hours. They have reportedly sped it up in the current beta, but I have not tried it.
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