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Optimal settings for Beta SP outputPosted by janbecker
Hi there,
I have 4 questions: 1) What would be the optimal timeline settings for output for Beta SP? CCIR 601 NTSC (40:27)? 2) Which Audio/Video settings should I use for the project? 3) I'm going to digitize a Betacam SP tape and use it's footage in the project, what format should I use? Uncompressed or CCIR? Or something else? 4) How should I setup Motion and LiveType? Thank you Jan
> what format should I use?
Uncompressed, but ProRes should suffice. There is no codec called CCIR. It's standard def. ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Questions 1 and 3: BetaSP is 8Bit (as opposed for example to DigiBeta = 10Bit). If you've got the drivespeed and space, capture in 8 Bit Uncompressed and edit in that. Or, what he said, capture and edit in ProRes. Works fine and with much smaller file sizes.
Question 2: Audio settings 48k 16 Bit. Question 4: the correct Motion setting is NTSC Broadcast SD. Same for LiveType. Clay
Beware you may set up tone on your timeline to -6db - and you can adjust the vu meters on your beta deck to match - and then find that you are still under or over modulated when you playback from time line -- suggest getting a good average level match from timeline to Beta deck audio first and then match your Tone settings on your timeline to reach 0 on the beta meter -- this happens to us often
You are actually supposed to line up 0 VU meter to -20dBs on the dBfs meter. That was the idea, but may not be the practice.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
True. It's not called the VU (virtually useless) meter for nothing. For me, I usually route the audio through a mixer. Line up tone is first calibrated to both mixer and deck, then fine adjustments on the mixer.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
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