Does the version of Primatte RT in Motion have "lightwrap"

Posted by harry323 
Does the version of Primatte RT in Motion have "lightwrap"
March 21, 2010 08:05PM
I don't know the first thing about Motion.

I need to learn to do some greenscreen and, since I actually own MOTION, I reckoned that the dreaded time had come to crack open the manual, figuratively speaking.

I understand - perhaps wrongly(?) that Primatte RT is considered pretty good and that it is included with the version of MOTION that comes with FCS 6.0.6.

This is a long and boring preamble to ask this simple question: Does this bundled version of Primatte RT have a "lightwrap" feature?

Any other opinions welcome.

And - yes - I know I should post this in the MOTION Forum, but you kind souls always answer irrelevant questions anyway.

Next: How do I get bloodstains out of a buffalo rug?


Re: Does the version of Primatte RT in Motion have "lightwrap"
March 21, 2010 08:13PM
Not really. It's got a spill suppression control, but it's quite primitive. Primatte RT is a very stripped-down version of Primatte. Primatte uses a very sophisticated algorithm and offers quite good controls for things like spill suppression. Primatte RT is little more than a demo, designed to be a "look how we can do real-time keying in software" thing.

Primatte is available as a plugin for Motion, Final Cut, After Effects and Media Composer from Red Giant for $499. It's extremely cheap for a relatively powerful keyer.

It's no master keyer, but hey, nothing is.


Next: How do I get bloodstains out of a buffalo rug?

Buffalo blood, or human blood? Cause trust me, man. It matters.

Re: Does the version of Primatte RT in Motion have "lightwrap"
March 22, 2010 04:04AM
Keying is one of the last things, if not the last, where Motion still has a big catch up to do compared with its competition...

The included Primatte RT keyer is very poor.

If the real McCoy: the original Primatte keyer, that Jeff pointed out for you is to expensive here is something excellent and really cheap : 99$ !

dvMatte Blast from DvGarage

Best bang for the buck
Re: Does the version of Primatte RT in Motion have "lightwrap"
March 22, 2010 06:53AM
I've never tried to pull a key in Motion ? sooner gnaw off my own hand, personally ? but back in the day, I've pulled keys using tools that today would be considered laughably clumsy at best, completely unusable at worst.

I have no idea how this would work in Motion, but heck, if you can figure it out, give it a try. Just go through the standard operations of creating your garbage matte, core matte and edge matte. You never know; Primatte RT might be able to do what you need. You won't get a good one-button matte, but you know what? You never do anyway. That's just a myth.

The hardest part might end up being color correction, but if necessary, you can do that using the old techniques as well. It'll be more difficult, involving more hold-out mattes and manual tweaking, but it should be possible at least.

Once you've spent more than $500 of your time doing that, say "screw it" and just buy Primatte.

Re: Does the version of Primatte RT in Motion have "lightwrap"
March 22, 2010 09:16PM
just purchased and used PHYX - we were having nightmares trying to fix some very poorly shot DV Chroma Key fotage (uneven background - blond hair blown out against green - you name it - it stunk.

Primatte - eh - not great
AFTER EFFECTS -- Keyer - better still not there
FCP's Keyer and BCC keyers -- nope

PHYX actually got us as close as you can get - with adding some Colorista mattes to the blown out highlights it was acceptable

PHYX is simple -- go here for demo and video

PHYX Keyer
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