Assisant Editor: Everything-you-need-to-know-books for FCP

Posted by Liza 
Assisant Editor: Everything-you-need-to-know-books for FCP
October 05, 2010 07:56PM
Ok, who has the latest and greatest of Assistant Editing Books in FCP that they think I should purchase. I know I am going to get a huge barrage of opportunities here for books, so bring it on! Sell me people! This will be of great help to know what I need to brush up on!
I didn't win it in the last FCP meeting. sad smiley
Thanks in advance!
Re: Assisant Editor: Everything-you-need-to-know-books for FCP
October 06, 2010 08:08AM
buy a notebook and write down everything bad that happens to you when working confused smiley

it's gonna full up pretty fast, don't worry
Re: Assisant Editor: Everything-you-need-to-know-books for FCP
October 06, 2010 08:22AM
A notebook, is very handy.

As Mike says, if it ain't good it ain't in here:


For AEs, you need to know how to media manage especially when you are working with long form, and there's no one better to teach you that than our very own Shane Ross.

Re: Assisant Editor: Everything-you-need-to-know-books for FCP
October 06, 2010 11:04AM
For assistant editing in general, I highly recommend two books:

1) Make the Cut: A Guide to Becoming a Successful Assistant Editor in Film and TV

2) The Film Editing Room Handbook: How to Tame the Chaos of the Editing Room (4th Edition)

Neither will teach you how to use FCP. But they cover what an assistant is expected to know. There are many good books that cover how to use FCP. I liked the official Apple ones myself, but I'm sure there are many good one. I'd also consider

- Justin Barham -
Re: Assisant Editor: Everything-you-need-to-know-books for FCP
October 06, 2010 03:19PM
Yeah, got to put those books in the store. As soon as I can get my act together. Damn, this web site needs an update.

Michael Horton
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