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Clone System HD to another Mac via "Target" mode?Posted by RJ
We are setting up a number of FCP7 systems in new MacPros and are interested in setting up one system and then cloning the system HD to the other machines via firewire by putting them into "Target" mode. Will cloning with Carbon Copy Cloner work using this method? We have purchased FCPS licenses/installation DVDs for all machines, but we think this might save us some work instead of installing and setting up each system HD individually.
Thanks, -Russ
MacPros have drives that are very easily removed...those sleds are very accessable. Just clone the drive to other bare SATA drives in those sleds, and then move those to the other machines. NO target mode needed.
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As long as all the FCP machines are registered with different serials, then it's fine, otherwise, you'll have issues getting them to run on the same network.
You could always get Digital Rebellion's FCS Maintenance Pack and use the system toolkit to remove the Serial number from each clone so that you can put in the individual serials.
That is of course unless you get a volume licence - that would be most cost effective and easiest. For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
Guys, thanks for the great ideas. Shane, you're right about pulling out the drives of course, but I'm just amazingly lazy. Guess I'll have to get out of my chair.
Ben, is it possible to manually navigate to the FCPS registration and delete it? Somewhere in the user's library? Thanks again, -Russ
Deleting the Final Cut Studio System ID should do the trick.
Mac System HDD> Library> Application Support> ProApps> Final Cut Studio System ID For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
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