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sourcing from YouTubePosted by Nick Meyers
i've needed to grab a clip or two from YouTube recently.
the System i used to use (suggested by Strypes) was to copy the link from the activity window and paste into the Download window. that still works sometimes, but a lot of clips are now not accessible in the activity window. the link seems to be broken into smaller sections. what are people doing these days to get YouTube videos? thanks, nick
hi, Jude.
yes, 1.7 MB chunks is what i am seeing. thanks for the tip, although it's not working for me yet. it's a little bit crazy the things we have to learn along the way ![]() i've also just been searching for similar / duplicate clips. & i might have to go back to simple screen cap / audio recording. thanks again, nick
I tried the keepvid thing the other day and it didn't work on the one I was trying to get. In the last month or so YouTube has changed from caching to streaming or something, so they only send small packets of information at a time, which none of the software seems to know how to handle. If someone does find something, I'd like to know too.
I took a look... It seems like this 1.7 MB thing is a result of some auto bandwidth detection on the new Youtube player. Set it to 720p, park the playhead at the beginning of the video and copy the mp4 stream as usual.
Youtube doesn't use Flash streaming. The Daily Show uses Flash streaming... [www.thedailyshow.com] ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
I had something similar happen, and in my case the download just flat-out failed. In my case it happened because the playhead was moved so that the stream started playing midway through, but that caused the download to be unopenable. A reload on the internet browser fixed it.
I also wonder if it has to do with some videos where YouTube now embeds an unskippable commercial every once in a while. ![]() www.derekmok.com
[www.downloadhelper.net] When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
You'll end up re-compressing the footage. Not great, but I don't like re-compressing anything.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
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