Final Cut Pro X - still ProPosted by Alex4D
Hey Tom,
I know you're an extremely knowledgeable editor and all that but you've raised some issues that I have thought about. Unless you already have it under NDA, you, as well as other instructors and trainers will also have to learn the new application. Unless you have instant genius with it, how can your classes begin to teach an application that you yourself are just beginning to learn? Steve steve-sharksdelight
Tom Wolsky Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Boris has already said he will produce effects for X, maybe no NDA, but he's going to be there, just > as we've announced classes in X whenever it happens. Boris said that they have the "intention" to release software for FCPX. They did not say anything else. They did not speak about updates, new plugins or such. I also have the intention to release plugins for FCPX. If they will be completely new ones, or just a re-compile of the current ones depends on the available plugin interface(s). Of course I will also release new plugins. But I also have to wait until I get my hand on the SDK (if there will be one).
>>how can your classes begin to teach an application that you yourself are just beginning to learn? <<
We RTFM and experiment a lot. Also, if you're lucky your teacher is a working editor that has a lot of face time with an application because they have a lot of work to do, and things they need to achieve, so they work it out pretty quickly compared to people who maybe need certain functions only once or twice a year. And then we hang out on these forums and see what problems come up, and how to get around them. It's an invaluable resource. ![]()
I called this thread 'still Pro' - perhaps the Final Cut Pro Classic stands for Professional - however X could be aimed at Producers. For the first version at least.
There was another audience being catered to back in April... I've recently realised that the sneak peek was for gadget freaks and the blogs they read. Instead of talking Genesis footage, they talked about GoPro. Looks like Apple want to widen their market to include dabblers with plenty of spare cash - that was the level of the presentation - the Engadget and Techcrunch reader. Gadgeteers. Who else buys version 1 of anything? ___________________________________________________ Alexandre Gollner, Editor, Zone 2-North West, London alex4d on twitter, facebook, .wordpress.com + .com
I'll be buying it, so I can teach it competently by the time it's more mainstream. But, yeah, I 'spose I am also a bit of a gearhead, and the price is right.
But again, we don't know if it's completely awesome, or completely awful, or somewhere in the middle, which is the really obvious probable outcome. Give it a few more weeks and we can all crow or cry with authority. ![]()
Hello, just dropping in... what? Thread still going? Have we beat the Apple Discussions threads, Tom? If not in terms of count, how about date spread?
I just hope pulling out the timeline and Project thumbnails won't be too tortuous. - Loren Today's FCP 7 keytip: Temporarily mix down audio tracks with Command-Option-R ! Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide? Power Pack with FCP7 KeyGuide -- available here at the LAFCPUG Store!
Tom -
[What do you mean Loren? You can switch off the filmstrip view.] Oh, too bad, I wanted to torture FCPX ;-) It's the waiting, Tom, I can't stand the waiting... yahhhhhg. - Loren Today's FCP 7 keytip: Temporarily mix down audio tracks with Command-Option - R ! Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide? Power Pack with FCP7 KeyGuide -- now available at KeyGuide Central. www.neotrondesign.com
Apple may not have even decided yet. Releasing via the App Store means Apple can choose any day they like at short notice.
My software: Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more More tools...
Has anyone heard, or can anyone predict, how FCP-X will handle video fields? Fields have been a weakness in FCP. Avid lets you view fields; FCP does not. AE can make a proper 60p -> 60i conversion by just discarding the unused lines; FCP makes an artifacted mess of it.
Proper handling of video fields was at the top of my wish list for FCP revision, but Apple didn't ask me. Dennis Couzin Berlin, Germany
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