Internal or External Hard Drives for Events and Projects

Posted by CyWar 
Internal or External Hard Drives for Events and Projects
January 01, 2013 02:23PM
I'm waiting (yum) for my new 2012 iMac to be delivered. 27" i7 chip, 32GB RAM, fusion+3TB internal hard drive. smileys with beer

Is storing my Events and Projects on an external hard drive (I'll have Thunderbolt on the new iMac) a better technique vs. storing on the internal hard drive?

I currently have several 2TB external G-Technology hard drives that use FireWire 800.
I'm considering a G-Technology 8TB Thunderbolt external hard drive, but am researching reviews for the Promise Pegasus RAID Storage with Thunderbolt (anyone use this product?)

My videos are relatively short (generally 10-15 minutes).
Is doing all my editing on the external hard drive better than keeping everything on my internal hard drive?
I have been keeping my Events/Projects folders on my internal hard drive and have not noticed any particular problems.
However, I have read numerous articles that say to keep my Events/Projects and do all my editing on an external hard drive as the internal hard drive is busy doing a lot of other stuff.

Thanks for any advice.

Regards, Cyrus
iMac 27" Intel i7 Quad-Core; 16GB RAM; 2TB HD
Final Cut Studio, FCP X, Photoshop CS5, After Effects, etc.
Re: Internal or External Hard Drives for Events and Projects
January 01, 2013 02:33PM
> Is doing all my editing on the external hard drive better than keeping everything on my internal hard drive?


The internal hard drive is where the software and OS dwell. Video editing is one of the most taxing tasks a computer can attempt. Whenever you have a choice, it's always better to use another drive.
Re: Internal or External Hard Drives for Events and Projects
January 01, 2013 03:50PM
Thanks. That's the conclusion I was reaching. Am looking forward to a Thunderbolt external hard drive.

Regards, Cyrus
iMac 27" Intel i7 Quad-Core; 16GB RAM; 2TB HD
Final Cut Studio, FCP X, Photoshop CS5, After Effects, etc.
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