<HTML>Sunday December 2, Filmmakers Alliance will offer a second session of the smashingly successful Final Cut Pro Workshop. This workshop is a one day intensive introduction to Apple Computer's Digital
Video Editing software Final Cut Pro 2.0.

The seminar will be taught in conjunction with Dr. Rawstock at their digital lab in Hollywood and will feature hands-on training at Dr. Rawstock's G4 workstations.

The seminar will start with an overview of basic concepts of digital media. After that we will cover digitizing, editing, compositing, titling, audio, output and media management and system configurations. Each topic will include a brief, hands-on exercise.

This seminar is appropriate for first time users as well as filmmakers who
have been using other digital video editing systems, traditional tape
based systems as well as Final Cut Pro users who need a refresher course. Filmmakers have recently purchased a system or are considering purchasing a system are also encouraged to attend.

Please be aware that Final Cut Pro is a complex program that takes most users several days of training to fully master. This seminar will cover only basic concepts and basic operations.

Where and When:
The seminar will take place Sunday December 2 at Dr. Rawstock (6150 Santa
Monica Blvd.) and will run from 10 am to 6 pm. Cost for members will be $85
and $150 for non-members.

Contact Liam or Elke at Filmmakers Alliance at 323-876-0272 to reserve a spot.

The seminar will again be taught by Gregory Lemkin. Gregory was a beta tester
for FCP 1.0 and has worked with the Final Cut Pro team at Apple, giving
feedback on each successive upgrade. He edited the Aimee Mann music video
that was featured by Apple CEO Steve Jobs at Macworld 2001 as a
demonstration for Final Cut.

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