
Post here if you are offering a job or looking for a job. Check the lafcpug Talent Directory first if you are an employer. Lots of good talent in there 
Subject Author Views Posted
BeyondFilm 2,854 02/14/2017 09:37PM
bjones 3,077 07/25/2016 02:41PM
Espino 2,957 05/16/2016 07:45PM
Michael Horton 3,272 09/26/2015 10:26AM
Kelly Olsen 3,048 06/01/2015 07:26PM
Chuck Boyles 3,609 03/30/2015 12:30PM
Dog House Post 3,474 09/09/2014 01:20AM
INLANDNEWS 3,392 08/06/2014 06:27PM
brianfeeney 3,481 06/28/2014 06:56PM
Postboy29 3,487 06/05/2014 07:35PM
Tim Koranda 3,460 05/27/2014 03:12PM
penpeyser 3,517 05/14/2014 07:56PM
pmuniversal 3,293 04/29/2014 11:40AM
hanguolaohu 3,385 04/08/2014 01:43PM
carolinea 3,314 03/07/2014 02:21PM
Anonymous User 1,867 12/22/2014 06:27AM



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