<HTML>Hi. Director of Half Japanese: The Band That Would Be King seeks FCP/FILM/MAC WIZ Assistant Editor or Apprentice Editor (Just out of school is OK) for new Super 16mm documentary feature about art/music cult legend Daniel Johnston. Currently putting together FCP 3.0 system and need someone who understands Flex Files, Configuration, archive, yada yada yada and most of all is hip to the subject matter.</HTML>
February 08, 2002 03:11PM

Hi Jeff

I saw your post regarding your upcoming documentary on Daniel Johnston. I enjoyed "The Band that would be King" and I?m a big fan of the DIY music scene from that time period - Throbbing Gristle, Swell Maps, Can?

I?m a FCP/Photoshop/After Effects assistant editor. I just finished work on Steven Soderbergh?s "Full Frontal" - a sequel to Sex Lies and Videotape. Shot on 35mm and DV. It was a FCP 3.0 show. I?ve done Super 16 projects and know flex files, organizing and setting up shows, etc.

I'd really enjoy finding out more about the project and would like to get you my resume.

<HTML>i am interested in the assistant editor position. i am not expert in fcp but know enough to do basic projects.

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