Adding Brightness and Contrast Filter makes slide blurry in Premiere CS4

Posted by mark@avolution 
Adding Brightness and Contrast Filter makes slide blurry in Premiere CS4
July 22, 2013 01:01PM
I am putting a slideshow together in Adobe Premiere CS4.

All the slides are laid out with dissolves and motion/scale where required.

The project is set to full screen DV as it is going to DVD when done.

Anyhow,Some of the slides need brighness/contrast,
and when I add this filter to select slides that need it, the slide
will go blurry. If I render the slides, they are still blurry.

Has anyone advice on this syndrome?

or is it user-induced?
Re: Adding Brightness and Contrast Filter makes slide blurry in Premiere CS4
August 06, 2013 08:22AM
Don't set import stills to "Fit to Screen". This scaling caused the bluriness when a filter was applied.
Re: Adding Brightness and Contrast Filter makes slide blurry in Premiere CS4
August 06, 2013 07:04PM
Is this your rig Mark? Most of us here have only really been on Premiere since CS6sih, and we're now technically up to 7 (Although it's called CC) An upgrade would probably help a lot with these issues. Uhm, that sounds like I'm being snotty, but I'm not. CS4 is just so old and different to what most of us know well now, and the improvements in the last few versions are seriously vast and worthwhile.

Oh, and by the way, I just got asked to be an Adobe Community Professional, so I have to declare that in my posts, but I did feel this way before they picked me up too lol

Anyway, thanks for coming back with the answer. Always useful for someone somewhere.

Re: Adding Brightness and Contrast Filter makes slide blurry in Premiere CS4
August 06, 2013 08:16PM
>Oh, and by the way, I just got asked to be an Adobe Community Professional

Congrats, Jude!

>Don't set import stills to "Fit to Screen". This scaling caused the bluriness when a
>filter was applied.

I believe what you are referring to is “Scale to frame size”, at least that is what it is now called. It is a bit of a unique feature as it scales the clip to fit the sequence frame size. Any further enlargement or reduction that you do in the effects control panel will be lossy, so it is good practice to remove scale to frame size if you are going to do any sort of transformation on the image, and you can remove that by right clicking on the clip in the timeline and unchecking “scale to frame size”. That said, the behavior you are describing is not expected, and that issue has probably been fixed a long while ago. So as Jude said, try to get on a more recent version if you can, as that will contain new features and bug fixes.
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