Vector text and shapes become pixelated as they go close to camera

Posted by mark@avolution 
Vector text and shapes become pixelated as they go close to camera
December 06, 2007 09:58AM
I set up a dreadfully simple 3D intro for a wedding slideshow

Its elements
one camera
one heart
and text over the heart

For the first 15 seconds the camera shows the heart and text about half screen
the camera arcs around the heart from -22.5 to +22.5 degrees on the y axis
and everything is nice and sharp in the view port (camera)
to transition to the photos
the camera dollies into the heart fullscreen and then pans offscreeen
revealing black with alpha

When the camera gets close the text becomes pixelated and grainy.

Text is scaled at 100% In its inspector and never changes properties

Only the camera is animated.

If text is vector based; why is motion behaving as though it is dollying into
a bitmap?

I usually would use 3ds max for this type of effect; but decided to ise Motion 3

What gives?
Re: Vector text and shapes become pixelated as they go close to camera
December 06, 2007 10:14AM
Motion's render quality is "normal" by default.

Click the View button at the top right of the Canvas and change the render quality to "best".

Your text should now look crisp.
Re: Vector text and shapes become pixelated as they go close to camera
December 06, 2007 10:41AM
Thanks this fixed my problem..but the render time went up.
As I can A-B compare render times between 3ds max and Motion 3;
I am afraid 3ds Max blows Motion out of the water!

markspencer Wrote:
> Motion's render quality is "normal" by default.
> Click the View button at the top right of the
> Canvas and change the render quality to "best".
> Your text should now look crisp.
Re: Vector text and shapes become pixelated as they go close to camera
December 06, 2007 11:21AM
A couple of tips

Motion seems to export faster when the timeline is hidden
If using particles render them seperately at normal quality
then render the vector items at best
then in fcp
key the over the

it makes the differences between a 10 minute export or an 1 hour plus export!
Re: Vector text and shapes become pixelated as they go close to camera
December 06, 2007 11:25AM
Good tips! One more - if you are using 3D particles, see if you can get away with local 3d - the global 3d option, while allowing particles to interact with other layers, increases render times exponentially.
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