Selective processing of subclips
March 04, 2007 10:34PM
Hello all,

I'm trying to sweeten the audio on a short (4 min) FCP project in SP. Unfortunately, the footage was captured as one long media file. When I try to do noise removal on a subclip in SP it applies it to the entire media file rather than the subclip (which would be great if not for the multiple shots with different noise on the same media file.)

I've tried selecting, but I can't find a way to accurately select just the contents of the subclip in the waveform editor, and the snap function doesn't have an option for snapping to clip in/out points.

Can markers be of any help? Is there a way to automatically set markers for the edit points? Or has anyone found a better workflow for audio sweetening this kind of project.

Anyway, I would appreciate any tips, I'm sure it can't be an uncommon problem.


Re: Selective processing of subclips
March 27, 2007 03:06PM
This is a good question. I want to do the opposite, however, which is applying a filter across the entire audio clip in SP after the clip has been edited in FCP. I didg a ten min clip, edit the clip in FCP, now I want to audio process the entire 10 min clip in SP and have it apply across my fcp edits, but all I can do is process each individual clip at a time. Help James
Re: Selective processing of subclips
March 30, 2007 06:26PM
While you are in multi-track project, double click the clip which will open a window with two choices, destructive or non-destructive, what to call it, and where to save it. Non-destructive is the way to go and will reference the original file but not alter it, and you can always go back and tweak things again. Once you hit save, the waveform will open with the markers showing the clip in/outs. Now highlight the area you want to work with by dragging the cursor along the waveform area, pick your process, and go. Whatever you do in the waveform reflects in the multi-track project, so you can switch between the two tabs until you are satisfied with the results.

Hope this helps.

Cameron Young
Re: Selective processing of subclips
March 30, 2007 07:28PM

When you send a clip from FCP to STP audio file project, it will open the entire file. You can do whatever process, or add filter from there, but you will then have to re-edit into your FCP sequence.

I think the best way is to open in Multi-track Project from FCP, and then open add whatever filters, EQ's, etc. from there.

Cameron Young
Re: Selective processing of subclips
April 03, 2007 12:09PM
Thanks, that seems to work, though if I work on multiple subclips referencing the same audio file it I need to save each as a different audio project, correct? I guess that doesn't matter, as the end result is an aiff that you replace your clips with in FCP, right?
Re: Selective processing of subclips
April 03, 2007 02:44PM
Correct, if you are in Multi-track mode and then open a clip in waveform, and chose non-destructive, it creates a reference file only, the original audio file is unaffected. When going back to FCP just drop the aiff file onto a new track, and mute the originals, or create a duplicate timeline just for the sweetened audio.

Cameron Young
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