Thanks for the reply, I was thinking no one was interested on this forum and just noticed your post. Your setup looks like a good one, I'm an Event user myself. I've been eyeing the Focusrite.
>jgourd Wrote:
> I do not use an optical or coax SPDIF signal as
> that would require encoding to AC-3 in real time
> while playing back (is this even possible with
> STP?).
I haven't futzed with it yet, so I don't know whether it will encode on the fly or not. I'm buying a new MacPro later this month which has an optical out built in, so I'm hoping it will support it without additional purchases. Here's a good article on Creative Mac on basic use of STP2 for surround, although it seems like you're probably past it: [
I'll post back when I get it worked out. Thanks again for your kind reply.