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Not registered? Click HERE to register now Re: MULTI-CLIP WORKFLOW ADVICE - 12 years agoFOLLOW UP: So my reference multi-clip experiment went terribly wrong. It didnt take long for the clips to go out of sync and slip and slide all over the place. What I'm going to be doing from here on out is skipping the meltdown to one clip and just repositioning the cameras in a sequence to look like a multiclip. I end up with a big checkerboard sequence which I hate but I can see all layeby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: MULTI-CLIP WORKFLOW ADVICE - 12 years agoThis is exactly the conversation I needed to be a part of. Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I'm going to take reference clips out of the equation and test sequenceliner and add the step between locked cut and color to flatten multicips. Huge Thanks! Zby zefarrancho - Café LA MULTI-CLIP WORKFLOW ADVICE - 12 years agoI'm working on a doc-series that shoots a ton of material and has a 5 day turnaround for a 8-12 minute piece each week. We're cutting on FCP7 and I want to vet this workflow before I implement it. I think it should be fine, but I could be missing a critical piece of intel so if y'all would take a peek and comment I would appreciate it! D5 material is brought into FCP with TC info extracted fby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: make a still frame look like video - 14 years agoI got that part. I was more interested in slight fx tweaks to make it not look like a freeze frame. I guess I do a slight frame jitter to try and match handheld movement but is there a way to make it appear to be running frames?by zefarrancho - Café LA make a still frame look like video - 14 years agoI'm wondering if anyone has had any success at taking a still and making it match the video from which it came. I'm about to embark on this mission and don't have a lot of time to make it fly so if anyone has any tips or wants to share methods please - I'm all "eyes". Zby zefarrancho - Café LA Seeking help - 14 years agoI've got a FCP 7.0 project that I need to get back to 6. Anyone out there in cyber-land feel like uploading my project and making an XML export? I know its a longshot but it would be a huge help ....by zefarrancho - Café LA Re: Capturing 29.97 at 23.98 - audio drift - 15 years agoahhhh. much better solution. many thanks.by zefarrancho - Café LA Re: Capturing 29.97 at 23.98 - audio drift - 15 years agothere is indeed time involved.... However, I am successfully capturing at 23.98 using a kona 23.98 setting. And it looks good, but the audio is playing back at 29.97. But, alas, for the clip I need right now, which needs to be synced, I'll use CT. Am I correct in my workflow - CT conform to 23.98, grab the 29.97 dyration from FCP and drop it into frame controls on Compressor? Thats what I'by zefarrancho - Café LA Capturing 29.97 at 23.98 - audio drift - 15 years agoFolks: I'm trying to figure out how to correctly capture at 29.97 tape at 23.98. I have FCP6, Kona 3, and a sony HDW-2000 HD deck. I've managed to grab the video at 23.98 and it looks great, but the audio is still playing at 29.97. From the little that I have found online, there seems to be a "tri-level reference" that might come into play here. I've also come across a setting onby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: Help! 24p to 60 BACK to 24p - 15 years agois there a way in FCP to see what the footage was actually shot at? Is that Vid Rate, or is that just playback rate?by zefarrancho - Café LA managing formats - 15 years agoI am jumping into a project that needs help and I am not sure exactly which foot to put forward. Its a 4 camera shoot, 3 cameras shot in 720p, and one in 1080p. Most of the footage was shot at 23.98, though much of it shot at higher frame rates for slow motion effects. The first issue I am having is that I can't group the two formats together. My instinct is to use compressor for all 108by zefarrancho - Café LA Re: RED to DVCPRO HD PROBLEMS - 15 years agojust to clarify: All original footage was shot with an ARRI, and captured via the "S2" system. We are cutting with all proxies, so someone converted the raw data to i60, for reasons unknown. RESHOOT - we used the RED camera, and proxies again were delivered to me, and this time they are p30. The problem with playback was due to FCP 6.0 being the program used to convert the red datby zefarrancho - Café LA RED to DVCPRO HD PROBLEMS - 15 years agoI just received some DVCPRO HD files converted from a RED shoot, but I am unable to view them both in QT and/or FCP (5.1.4). I am incorporating these files into an existing project which contains DVCPRO HD 1080i60 footage which is playing back fine. The new footage, from the RED shoot, is DVCPRO HD 1080p30, and I get the "missing codec" error. I am still looking for the FCP install disby zefarrancho - Café LA Log and Transfer shortcuts? - 16 years agoI am doing lots of logging and find it hard to believe there aren' shortcuts or settings that might make things faster and simpler: Is there a way to make the last entry for a given data prompt to automatically be entered into the next clip as it comes up? So if by chance its the same shot or take, that info is already there. Is there no way to modify groups of clips' metadata in the Logby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: MXF log and transfer Preferences issue - 16 years agoShane- a related question. I am working on making the best use of drive space, and if I understand you correctly, the capture scratch is essentially a full-res back up of the P2 media? So, in my case, if I have one drive full of the P2 media dragged straight from the card, and one drive with only the ingested MOV files, then I essentially still have a redundant back up of my media at full resolby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: applying effects to multiple clips in browser - 16 years agoyeah yeah. I was pretty sure that was gonna be the answer. Still, up until this point it has served me much better to not have to render the matte layer each time I want to playback the sequence for the director, who has proved very incapable of previewing cuts with any kind of matte discrepancy (resized shots sprinkled in and the boom is all over the matted parts of the screen). Each little sby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: applying effects to multiple clips in browser - 16 years agoOld post, but I think it's related so I'll bump the whole thread - I think this is why you all held this opinion of affecting masters. So. I've got my 110 minute film cut, screening to external eyes this week. All of my Masters have a widescreen filter, though here and there I've needed to blow up a few things so there are sporadic mattes on V2, or V3, whatever as needed. For screening, I'dby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: applying effects to multiple clips in browser - 17 years agoI guess I am not understanding what the difference is between using this method to apply a widescreen matte to footage that was framed and will screen in widescreen format, no exceptions, and footage that was shot with a lens that records an upside down image? I have been in both situations, and in both situations was really glad that I can apply filters to master clips so I can see what the DPby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: applying effects to multiple clips in browser - 17 years agoha! I did attempt the tape bit, but figured I'd pick the brains of the more experienced folks here to see if there's a better way.... Cutting from the sequence is a good route. I'll play with that a little. thanks again all! And on a closer look - right - you can't add filters to clips in the browser. Still its a step up from Avid that you can apply an effect to a master clip at all IMHO.by zefarrancho - Café LA Re: applying effects to multiple clips in browser - 17 years agok. Gonna give this a try. Thanks all.by zefarrancho - Café LA Re: applying effects to multiple clips in browser - 17 years agoI see. OK. Well, I think I can safely say that for 90% or more of my cut the only filter I will be applying is the wdescreen matte. There will be some occasional color correction, and the less occasional motion FX, and then the rare frame adjustment. Going into the edit with the knowledge that the widescreen makes CC and other fx a nightmere is great - so here's my plan: I'm going to colorby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: applying effects to multiple clips in browser - 17 years agothere are a few things to discuss: 1) I don't need to adjust left or right. If I get into a left or right adjustment, it will be for 1 or 2 clips out of my 11 or so hours of footage, so I'd rather handle those rare instances individually and remove the filters as needed and start from scratch on an as needed basis. I may need to adjust vertically, but again, I think I can limit those to a haby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: applying effects to multiple clips in browser - 17 years agoSo far my solution has been to apply the effect, which at this point is the only effect I use so its an easy keystroke (last effect), to each clip as I view it. My scenario is that every clip has been shot with a 2.35 matte in the viewfinder so the shots have been framed assuming this matte, which means 99% of the shots need no adjustment. I have to view each shot anyway, so as I open, apply fiby zefarrancho - Café LA applying effects to multiple clips in browser - 17 years agoI read an older post reporting that this is not possible to apply filters to groups of clips in the browser. I need to apply a 2.35 matte to lots and lots of clips (since adding a matte on its own track in my sequences equals lots of rendering). Any ideas? I also get all my media neatly organized in bins, so its not exactly a "shortcut" to drag clips to the timeline and back to all tby zefarrancho - Café LA Re: Applying Filters to Clips in Bin - 17 years agoI need to apply a filter to all of my clips or find an economical way of applying a 2.35 matte to an entire sequence without the render. Any ideas? Since FCP alows you to effect masters, would seem simple enough to effect multiple masters. Sure, I can do it in the timeline, but then I lose the bin organization that people are doing on the set. Surely there is a way to effect groups of mastersby zefarrancho - Café LA Triple Monitor Support? - 17 years agoCan anyone confirm that FCP studio 2 does NOT support a triple monitor set up? I read that the FCPHD release DID support three monitors.by zefarrancho - Café LA |