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lafcpug Privacy Policy

lafcpug Privacy Policy

As of this writing lacpug has no lawyers, which means the following privacy policy is being written by me, Michael Horton, current head of the Los Angeles Creative Pro Pro User Group.

Our privacy Policy is simple. Your name, e-mail address, and any other information you wish to share upon registering for lacpug "membership," is and will be known only to Michael Horton and his Hard Drives, and will never be shared with any group, individual, corporation, institution, company, organization, or any other word meaning the same thing.

Unless the following occurs.

If any group, individual, corporation, institution, company, organization, or any other word meaning the same thing offers one million dollars, plus pays my children College Tuition (College of their choice), buys a time share Condo in the Virgin Islands for me and my family to spend 4 weeks of the year, AND pays my families Health Insurance in perpetuity, only then will I consider sharing the membership list.

Since this is not likely to ever happen, feel safe in knowing that your information is safe with me and me alone.

And my Hard Drive.

copyright © Michael Horton 2000-2012 All rights reserved