The ski injury was worse than it seemed. Severe brain bleeding. MAN...TWO fine actors gone in a week...both very young. NELL was the film she met her husband Liam Neeson while working on...and NELL was the first film my wife an I saw together...first date. She will be missed. ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
Not to turn this into a process story, but this was a truly strange incident. A media outlet reported her passing yesterday, then promptly retracted the story. For more than a day it seemed like the rumors were flying in all directions.
Death is always a tragedy. Premature death doubly so. But for someone's passing to be marred by rumor is just heartbreaking. ![]()
Such awful news, she was a fantastic British Actress - Such a great loss. I've been a ski instructor for over 15 years and never heard of a death on a nursery/beginner slope. Apparently she wasn't wearing a helmet. Something I recommend you wear no matter what speed you are going to do. Not least because of the possibility of free-riding snowboards and other out of control skiers/boarders. ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
Horrible...horrible news. Could have happened to anyone...it was on a beginner slope as well. Nobody wears a helmet on the beginners slope.
Acting royalty from the Redgrave family. Most memorable - she was the mom in the remake of Disney's "Parent Trap" (yeah...I got kids). Liam is also one of my favs. I feel so heartbroken for him. Rest in peace ![]() When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
im with derek. when i saw the story a couple days ago on CNN.com i was wondering "whats the big deal? she broke her leg or something..." i had to read shane's thread title 3 times before it sunk in.
really sad. i have this screenplay in my head that i'll never make and i'd always imagined her in the lead role.
I followed this yesterday on the news tab on Imdb...hoping until this morning that a wonder may happen. It's so horrible. I can't imagine what Liam and their kids must be going through...
Trying to learn some skiing on the beginners lope, you fall down and get up again feeling fine...until you get a headache and fall into a coma and die... gees unbelievably sad. ![]()
As she didn't apparently didn't strike her head when she fell, the loss of balance & the fall may have been caused by a stroke that went undetected under the circumstances. If it had happened while walking on the street it would have possibly given more warning that something was wrong.
That sucks. There's a report going around ? I'm pretty sure I saw it earlier on CNN's Web site ? saying that she didn't receive first aid attention on the scene of the accident.
Epidural bleeding is very serious, because it's often caused by damage to an artery rather than a vein, and the bleeding is a lot faster. But an epidural bleed is the easiest thing in the world to spot on a CT, and because it doesn't directly involve the brain, surgical resolution is practically trivial in comparison to other head injuries. Yes, okay, fine, we can all agree that she'd have been a lot safer if she'd been wearing a helmet. But this is the sort of injury that should be absolutely no big deal if medical attention is available when it happens. Freakin' sad. ![]()
I haven't been skiing for more than 25 years, but when i did i never saw a helmet. I don't think such things even existed then.
I ride a 600cc motorbike in London, but would be happy to go without a "lid" on the slopes. This is a tragic, and wildly improbable accident that could happen to anyone. And not necessarily on a ski slope. Either way it's a terrible loss for her family and friends, and the wider public who've lost an actress inevitably touched with greatness.
25 years ago I only used a helmet for racing.
Unfortunately in 25 years the slopes have become like London rush hour and the risk of injury from collision is far greater as the volume of skiers/borders on piste is huge. All ski-school children below a certain age wear helmets in Europe. For less than $40 a helmet can save your life. Its an absolute must if you want to throw yourself down an icy mountain at high speed! Certainly my helmets have saved me from serious injury on a number of occasions whether racing or simply skiing recreationally. Its no use in retrospect now but anyone reading this should make sure a helmet is part of your mountain gear for skiing or boarding whether you own or hire your kit. ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
You'll be hard pressed to find anyone wearing helmets on the ski slopes, other than the people who ski REALLY FAST.
![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
Well maybe thats something that will change due to this tragedy. I hope so for the sake of other families.
![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
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