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Re: Repair shops near Ventura County? Dog lifted leg! - 15 years agoQuoteat least cats have the brains to piss in a box Wish mine did. Nothing like laying down to sleep and discovering a puddle in your bed. Ugghh. Sorry about your G5, I hope it resurrects. As far as the urine situation, if your Mac still stinks of urine then the dog might try to pee on it again. There's a line of products called Nature's Miracle that removes the odor (and stains). But you'llby John K - Café LA Re: Any solution to uneven titles scrolling at the end of the movie? - 15 years agoLove the Boris, hate the interface.by John K - Café LA Re: How to learn DVD Studio Pro - 15 years agoI did the one-day course at Moviola. Very informative, teaches you all the basics and gives you the incentive to dig deeper into the program if you want (I've learned subtitles, stories, etc. on my own). If you're in LA I highly recommend it. JKby John K - DVD Studio Pro Re: OT: Slates and Countdowns - 15 years agoQuoteJeff HarrellHaving color bars lets you see instantly if you got the Pr and Pb cables backwards when you were under the table hooking up your client monitor. Been there!by John K - Café LA Re: Any solution to uneven titles scrolling at the end of the movie? - 15 years agoJust wanted to chime in about the importance of good end title design. I just got back from a film festival and was really annoyed at the majority of end credits that I saw, especially after short films. Some of the fonts were just tiny, nearly impossible to read even projected on a big screen. Add in the low resolution of a DVD screener and a soft projector and you get mush. The majority of themby John K - Café LA Re: OT: non internet upgrade - 15 years agoNot sure which updates were included in the general 'ProAppsUpdates', but going back through my receipts I also see: Color 1.0.4 Compressor 3.0.5 Final Cut 6.0.5 I think those were in PAU2008_05 Do you care about iTunes, iLife, camera raw, security updates, RED plugins, Airport Utility, Flip4Mac, Flash, et al ad nauseam? JKby John K - Café LA Re: Titles from PS to FCP - 15 years agoPixel resolution doesn't matter in video like it does in print; only the pixel dimensions, which you should set to match the frame size of your video. Hard to tell what's going on without seeing your files. What are you setting your anti-aliasing to in PShop? I often use 'Strong' or 'Smooth'. If the text is jagged is Pshop after you convert the layers then I'm inclined the think the problem liby John K - Café LA Re: Experiences with HDV on Powerbook G4? - 15 years agoJoe, don't you know that meme? As in "Shakespeare gotta eat?" As in "Lorenzo Lamas gotta eat?" As in... aw, forget it. Point is no, I am not hand to mouth. But my company just financed a big production that won't pay for itself for a while, so believe me when I tell you that our accountant (aka MY WIFE) gives me the eye whenever I mention the upgrade. And I don't believe inby John K - Café LA Re: Experiences with HDV on Powerbook G4? - 15 years agoQuotegrafixjoeNot to mention you are working on a job that will probably PAY FOR AN UPGRADE ANYWAY. It will pay for it, but barely any left over. Believe me, I love my new toys but a brutha's gotta EAT. JKby John K - Café LA Re: Experiences with HDV on Powerbook G4? - 15 years agoShoot, I mixed up my systems, It's 1.67ghz. Thanks Wayne.by John K - Café LA Experiences with HDV on Powerbook G4? - 15 years agoHey all, I've been trying to hold off upgrading my trusty G4 Powerbook (1.67ghz) until later this year when I can afford a new MacBook Pro. But I have job coming up soon where I'll be cutting HDV for a few days on location, and I'm wondering if this laptop is up to the task. I've had very little exposure to HDV, I usually edit DVCProHD and ProRes on my MacPro tower; I don't have any footage toby John K - Café LA Re: Smooth out PSD text titles for Web Export ... - 15 years agoAre you looking at them on an external monitor, TV, DVD, etc.? Titles can look like ass in the Viewer until you preview them out to another monitor. Also, DVCProHD has a funky pixel ratio, did you account for that when you designed your titles? 960x720 gets stretched to 1280x720. JKby John K - Café LA Re: Question about upgrading to Final Cut Studio 2 - 15 years agoFWIW, I run Photoshop CS on my Powermac G4 under Leopard with no issues. Can't vouch for AE7. I also ran FCS2 under Tiger for a long time on my Powerbook, worked fine. If you're happy under Tiger then I wouldn't rock the boat, although you're missing out on some features of Leopard that I personally find invaluable (Time Machine, back to My Mac). But Tiger+FCS2 is totally stable. Keep in mindby John K - Café LA Re: Please name the product that converts HDV 1080i 60i NTSC to PAL HiDef 4 screening - 15 years agoIf money is no object, then get a post house to make the PAL dub for you. They have all the funs toys, and they'll be responsible for final QC. JKby John K - Café LA Re: Recompressing 59.94 to 29.97 - 15 years agoI don't think MM will change the frame rate on your footage, hence the error message. Are you just trying to export a whole sequence to 29.97, as opposed to multiple clips? If so, just export a SCQT and then run it through Compressor, using a DV NTSC 29.97 preset (being mindful of your 16:9 aspect ratio) JKby John K - Café LA Re: OT: any new HD monitors at NAB? - 15 years agoDag! Don't they know you need new toys?by John K - Café LA Re: OT: any new HD monitors at NAB? - 15 years agoShane, do you think you would use these for color-correction? JKby John K - Café LA Re: How do I enble the preview window when logging and capturing? - 15 years agoIf you have everything set up correctly then the Preview should be active. If you just see bars then something isn't right; did you make sure you're capturing with a DV NTSC/Firewire preset?by John K - Café LA OT: any new HD monitors at NAB? - 15 years agoHoping to catch up with some NAB news (was prepping and shooting all last week). Anyone see anything new in the world of external flat-screen HD monitors of the non-bank busting variety? JKby John K - Café LA Re: Creating a DVD in IDVD - 15 years agoNot as familiar with FCE but it sounds like you are selecting 'Quicktime Conversion' under 'Export' to make your final output file for iDVD. That's the wrong choice, as it compresses the output file more than you need it to. You need to export a 'Quicktime Movie', which will be at the same resolution and settings as your sequence -- drop that file into iDVD and see how it looks. Then just burn aby John K - Café LA Re: On line question kona card xdcam - 15 years agoHere here on the print analogy; I remember those days too. Hell, we used to output FILMS to go to press, nevermind digital files. Now it's all press-ready PDF files, and printers try not to dig back into the original Quark or InDesign file if they don't have to. Same reason most dub houses prefer SCQT files, less hassle and less chances of screwing something up in the project file. JKby John K - Café LA Re: Hide FCP serial number - 15 years agoYeah, there's FCP serials all over the web. The thing is though, most of us who have been using the app for a while now probably have UPGRADE serials, which are useless without a prior serial number. And it has to be the right version -- a FCS2 upgrade won't install without a FCS1 serial for example, not prior FCP serials. And just to add one positive outcome of having it on the splash screen:by John K - Café LA Re: Remove "popping P's" from FCP soundtrack? - 15 years agoCan you re-record it? Because there's very little you can do to remove that distortion. JKby John K - Café LA Re: Match Move an Emitter? - 15 years agoHey Mark, Thanks for that link, learned a lot more about the tracker options! My initial 'Analyze' behavior was not the issue, I was able to get a decent track on the motion of the hand. What finally worked for me is that I had to adjust the 'Attach to Emitter' slider under the Cell Controls. The default was 0, so by setting it to 100 it finally snapped to the motion path. That slider doby John K - Motion Re: Match Move an Emitter? - 15 years agoFollow-up: I can even manually keyframe the sucker! If I try to change Position settings on the Fire emitter it won't move. It just wants to stick in one place. Weird. Glitch?by John K - Motion Match Move an Emitter? - 15 years agoI have emitters that are not responding to motion tracking. I have a smoke and fire emitters over a guy's hand, and I've applied 'Analyze Motion' to the clip to track the hand as he shakes it out. I've tried applying 'Match Move' to both the emitters and the isolated groups they're in, but no matter what the emitters will not follow the analyzed motion path of the hand. FWIW I only have thby John K - Motion Re: Output to DigiBeta - 15 years agoI don't know if this helps you, but I just made Digibeta dubs of my short film which was DVCProHD, 23.98, 16:9, 720p. My friend (who runs the post house where I did the dubs) recommended making an HDCam master, then just making Digibeta downconverts from that tape, just leaving FCP out of it completely. He wasn't happy with the results he got trying to deal with HD>SD, 23.98>29.97 direct frby John K - Café LA Re: Motion Fonts pixelated in DVD studio Pro - 15 years agoCould you post some screen caps? I'm afraid I'm a little confused now about what you're doing, would help to see it. JKby John K - DVD Studio Pro Re: OT: DVD audio loses sync during film festival - 15 years agoOne final comment about the Digibeta: I just went back to the post house I used to make the dubs and we re-checked everything. While the original tape (an HDCAM master) was loud, up to -4db in parts, it never peaked out. We listened to it in two different rooms and sets of speakers, sounded just fine. We had laid down ref tone at -20. I re-recorded it (and made another Digibeta) with lowereby John K - Café LA Re: Motion Fonts pixelated in DVD studio Pro - 15 years agoWe need more info to troubleshoot this with you. What format were you working in Motion? Have you tried exporting the Motion file as a Quicktime and just bringing that in to DVDSpro? Have you watched it on a TV monitor? I've round-tripped Motion projects into FCP but never DVDSpro; I usually convert everything to MPEG-2 before I import it to make a DVD. JKby John K - DVD Studio Pro |